Panternursery1 Bulb
Customer Reviews Synopsis
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5 reviews with comments

Purchased Panternursery1 Bulb on Bonanza

at the price that not easy to beat. Trilliums have already sprouted and are growing well. I am waiting for jacks and ferns.
Purchased Panternursery1 Bulb on Bonanza

These were bare root, but all have sprouted leaves, and I'm very pleased.
Purchased Panternursery1 Bulb on Bonanza

The packaging of the plants received was excellent and excellent plants! Thank you!
Purchased Panternursery1 Bulb on Bonanza

Very nice Green Dragon Bulbs (Arisaema dracontium)
Purchased Panternursery1 Bulb on Bonanza

Very nice Green Dragon Bulbs (Arisaema dracontium)
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great bulbs. I can't wait for spring to see them grow.