AlternativeCulture features rare and/or discontinued items spanning multiple interests typically characterized as "alternative" sports, alternative music, etc. Much more to come but for now I offer a wide range of discontinued and/or rare BMX bike parts, skateboard parts, video games, music, art and more. Thanks for checking out my booth!
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AlternativeCulture features rare and/or discontinued items spanning multiple interests typically characterized as "alternative" sports, alternative music, etc. Much more to come but for now I offer a wide range of discontinued and/or rare BMX bike parts, skateboard parts, video games, music, art and more. Thanks for checking out my booth!
1. All orders made before 2pm CST on business days will ship same day.
2. All orders include tracking number sent immediately after shipment.
3. Payments through cash or paypal only.
1. Why are some items priced so high and some items priced normally?
A. Besides the fact that in many cases this store represents your last chance to buy these items, these are my actual personal possessions I'm not a reseller and as such some of them have sentimental value however at the same time, most things have their price and if a person wants said item badly enough they'll buy it.