SpaceAgeAntiques's profile picture

SpaceAgeAntiques Top seller icon 24x30

  • joined 04/05/10
  • active 03/03/25

About Me

Greetings Fellow Ranchers,

Welcome to the Space Age Antiques Booth!

I've been buying and selling online since 1998, been selling full-time since 2004. I sell a wide variety of treasures, I find in my travels. I endeavor to describe items as accurately as possible. I believe communications is the key...

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My Endorsements (2)

Gail_fbdiswu says: March 07, 2013

the heavy hand weights arrived nicely – thank you so much for the care you put in to packing them, it is much appreciated! : )

pookiemccool says: February 19, 2012

When I was a little girl my grandmother used to buy packs of VHS tapes and would tape movies off of TV. She had hundreds of tapes and I was always excited when she bought the Kodak tapes because they came with free Kolorkins stickers. During one of my parents moves they lost my book containing my sticker collection and my grandmother passed away 4 years ago. Her death hit me really hard and I have been searching for these stickers ever since, I even tried emailing Kodak directly with no luck. I found and purchased the plush toys but could not find the stickers until now. Thank you for posting these!