Younique Mascara
Customer Reviews Synopsis
9 reviews total •
6 reviews with comments

Purchased Younique Mascara on Bonanza

I really love it !!
Wish it was waterproof but - I'm very happy - it's easy to use!
I use 1 coat for everyday & 2-3 for special occasions !!
Purchased Younique Mascara on Bonanza

It works love it so much
Purchased Younique Mascara on Bonanza

Excellent product for a person who doesn't have very long lashes to begin with. But for those who already have longer lashes, I got the same amount of coverage with this mascara and two coats that I do with my maybelline mascara...
Purchased Younique Mascara on Bonanza

Rather flaky & clumpy even when applying just 1 coat...
Purchased Younique Mascara on Bonanza

I love it
Purchased Younique Mascara on Bonanza

I love it

Once you get your own technique down on how to apply this kit, your eyelashes will look amazing. I didn't think I would have this much volume on my eyelashes ever unless I caked it on which I don't do. You can put a couple of coats on after a light coat of another of your favorite mascara and it won't feel like you have much on. I have sensitive eyeballs and this doesn't irritate and itch my eyes either. It stays put pretty well all day. I love it.