Sony Playstation Console
Customer Reviews Synopsis
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2 reviews with comments

Purchased Sony Playstation Console on Bonanza

The reason I purchased the PS2 fat system is that my PS2 slim was on its last leg. The PS2 fat system is solidly built. All the connections are better on this system than the PS2 slim. Especially then power and av connections. Everything loads quickly and the fact that this system is between 15-20 years old and is still going strong is a testament to its build quality. The price I paid was definitely a plus. Would definitely buy another one.
Purchased Sony Playstation Console on Bonanza

Best quality of all the PS systems
The reason I purchased the PS2 fat system is that my PS2 slim was on its last leg. The PS2 fat system is solidly built. All the connections are b... Read more »
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We hardly use the Playstation. From the beginning, it would have issues shutting down in the middle of play. Then one day, after very light use, it just stopped working. This was the 2nd one we got because the first one didn't work at all. I'm not buying electronics online anymore. We replaced it at a store.