Samsung Galaxy Tab
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Purchased Samsung Galaxy Tab on Bonanza

The tablet I received was in much better shape than I expected based on the description, to the point of being virtually brand new. I had an old SMT-900 whose motherboard died and was originally planning on canibalizing this one to fix it but this product was flawless so no need, I'm just using this one.
Purchased Samsung Galaxy Tab on Bonanza

Extremely satisfied
The tablet I received was in much better shape than I expected based on the description, to the point of being virtually brand new. I had an old SM... Read more »
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This was my first purchase through Bonanza and my wife and I are really happy with her new tablet. Due to a small glitch, I was unsure regarding the additional 5 year warranty on top of the manufacturer's 1 year warranty, however, after a few emails to the seller, everything was cleared up. If you're looking to buy a really nice tablet at a great price and with a total 6 years warranty, you can't go wrong here!