Kotobukiya Model
Customer Reviews Synopsis
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1 review with comments

Purchased Kotobukiya Model on Bonanza

Another Kotobukiya triumph
A very nice kit. Usual Koto excellent build quality and articulation. A couple of pieces were gated in awkward places but nothing a little extra t... Read more »

A very nice kit. Usual Koto excellent build quality and articulation. A couple of pieces were gated in awkward places but nothing a little extra tidying up couldn't solve.
The design still has the same shoulder blades which fall off really easily if you move the arms back too far, but this can be remedied by glueing them on, assuming you don't glue everything anyway.
Shoulder ball joints on mine were a little loose too, but then I did add a load of armour off a Frame Arms mecha. She held the bow clear of the ground in a fully outstretched arm before that, so the joints are fine for what you get in the box.