Chevy Adapter
Customer Reviews Synopsis
5 reviews total •
4 reviews with comments

Purchased Chevy Adapter on Bonanza

I have not installed this part yet, but the quality appears to be very good. All the extra parts were in the package and this item is as advertised. I will buy from this seller again.
Purchased Chevy Adapter on Bonanza

This is an excellent product for my application. Thank you!
Purchased Chevy Adapter on Bonanza

I had a 1972 impala engine on my airboat and I cracked the block due to getting it hot. I replaced the engine with a 1993 tbi engine and needed to use my two barrel holley. This product is the solution for my problem. it works well. The boat is up and running. thank you, My only concern is how long the material used will last. The boat runs great!
Purchased Chevy Adapter on Bonanza

looks like it'll do the trick.