Art O Graphstore Photo (2000s)
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Purchased Art O Graphstore Photo (2000s) on Bonanza

My wonderful hand signed item arrived so I added
it to my autograph collection next to a hand signed
photograph By David Bowie . Tony Voscanti certainly
worked hard to produce the 'HEROES'when Bowie&Voscanti
were living in Berlin Germany . I met Bowie several
times and also at Manchester studio's . He will
be sorely missed . Legend of his own life time and
great personal friend and record producer Tony Visconti . I will treasure this item along with 'Ages of Bowie'
signed By Paul Morley . I was wondering how was the materials made for this photograph? Best wishes To Mr Tony Voscanti
Purchased Art O Graphstore Photo (2000s) on Bonanza

My wonderful hand signed item arrived so I added
it to my autograph collection next to a hand signed
photograph By David Bowie . Tony Voscanti cert... Read more »
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The photo was packaged in a very careful manner as to not be damaged. It came in perfect condition and was presented nicely with a professional looking COA. I'm very satisfied with it.