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Bonanza Makes Stripe Available to All Sellers
Apr 20, 2020

Bonanza Makes Stripe Available to All Sellers

Hi Bonanzlers. Shelly here. I am the seller happiness manager at Bonanza. This means I gather feedback from you, our sellers, about what you need from Bonanza and then I work closely with our designers and developers behind the scenes to make it happen. 

Stripe is now available to all sellers! 

We are very excited to be able to finally activate this option as it took us a bit more time than we anticipated. Stripe is a payments platform that provides smooth solutions for businesses of all sizes, giving buyers a choice besides PayPal on how to pay for their purchase. 

Buyers want options

Providing more payment options to buyers often invites a higher rate of conversion. We also know how important it is to allow buyers to check out easily with a debit or credit card. And we heard loud and clear from you, that you wanted Stripe to be available to all of our sellers and not just those with a paid membership subscription. Taking into account all this valuable feedback, our way forward was clear, and we can’t wait for you to try it out.

Where do I sign up?

You can create a Stripe account by visiting  your Payments & Purchases settings. If you’re already using Stripe on other platforms, even better — you can connect your existing account and manage payments from Bonanza sales directly on Stripe.  New sellers joining Bonanza will be able to opt-in during the booth activation process. Sellers must also have PayPal payments enabled in their Bonanza booth in order to accept Stripe.

Once your account has been connected and verified by Stripe, you’ll be all set to accept payments. Buyers will see it as an option to simply "Pay with Card" at checkout, along with the PayPal option.

How much is it?

Stripe will charge an initial fee of 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction, similar to what you pay on PayPal. There are no additional fees from Bonanza, aside from the final value fees you’re familiar with, which will be billed as usual — nothing about the Bonanza billing process will change.  

When you receive your first Stripe payment, there will be about a 7-day verification window while they confirm your bank details before payout. For subsequent payments, US sellers will be paid out on a rolling 2-day schedule, so you’ll never be waiting long for those funds to arrive at your bank. International payout schedules vary by country, so we recommend reviewing their documentation to confirm the schedule for your region. 

In the event you need to issue a refund or manage a dispute, you can do that directly from Stripe’s dashboard. Here are a couple more resources in this area:

Can anyone use it?

Stripe is available to sellers based in over 20 countries and can process payments from a variety of payment methods like Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and more. Buyers can pay with any supported currency, and Stripe will convert the funds to your currency. You can review supported regions or sign up to be notified when your country is available.  

Please visit our help documentation or reach out to our award-winning support team with any additional questions, concerns, or feedback as you give Stripe a try. 

We’re so happy to complete your request for Stripe for all sellers. I’m already coordinating your other requests, evaluating which of your ideas we can work on next!


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56 responses to Bonanza Makes Stripe Available to All Sellers

VDS says: 04/20/20 at 18:03:47

YAY! Thanks Shelly.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/21/20 at 13:51:00

We are happy to be able to offer this option to all sellers on Bonanza!

lumpsofstuff says: 04/20/20 at 18:09:52

Thanks. Expanded payment methods can only increase sales, never decrease them. And gee, I seem to have plenty of time right now to investigate Stripe and get signed up!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/21/20 at 13:53:07

We think it will be time well spent, it’s good to have options!

ooak says: 04/20/20 at 18:39:42


BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/21/20 at 13:53:45

We’ve seen a very positive response from the buyers who have used it.

JohnGrit says: 04/20/20 at 18:49:40

I was not able to use stripe. After a lot of trouble trying to sign up, it turned out Stripe was having programming problems. I ended up signing up for Amazon Pay which was also difficult; but the customer service was better. Why don’t you offer AP to Bonanza sellers too?

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/21/20 at 13:55:51

We were using Amazon Pay, and some sellers still have it, but it’s limitations caused us to discontinue it. We hope you love Stripe!

ThePostcardDepot says: 04/20/20 at 20:17:57

EXCELLENT – Thank You! Thank you! THANK YOU! (Can you tell I’m happy???)

BonanzaGreg says in response: 04/21/20 at 11:16:51

ThePostCardDepot, You’re welcome! You’re welcome! You’re welcome! We are happy now that you’re happy! We are also excited to finally launch this promised service. Thank you!

SpaceAgeAntiques says: 04/20/20 at 20:31:08

Great! I am looking forward to getting this set up.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/21/20 at 13:57:54

We are very happy with the user-friendly interface Stripe has, and hopefully you’ll get it set up easily!

We5BFinds says: 04/20/20 at 22:55:25

Thanks for the added Stripe option.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/21/20 at 13:58:27

You’re very welcome!

EtronicWorlds says: 04/20/20 at 23:35:42

So happy finally other payment option

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/21/20 at 13:59:47

We are happy to be able to offer this for you! Thanks for selling with us!

YPY812 says: 04/21/20 at 02:44:09

Is stripe any better compared to paypal?

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/21/20 at 14:03:08

Stripe is very similar to PayPal, and they are both great payment providers. Buyers will sometimes prefer one over the other, so it’s nice to give them the option.

autoparts4urcaroem says: 04/21/20 at 03:17:01

Thank you very much ,this is Excellent !

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/21/20 at 14:04:20

You’re welcome, autoparts4urcaroem, we are happy to be able to offer it.

zookeeper says: 04/21/20 at 03:46:17

Thank you! Yes, buyers do like options.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/21/20 at 14:04:52

You’re welcome zookeeper! That is our experience as well. Buyers here at Bonanza have been happy to see it as an option.

Coolparts2go says: 04/21/20 at 05:09:38

Shelley; Is Auctiva available on Bonanza?
I would like my items featured in the roving pictorials they feature.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/21/20 at 14:08:39

Hi Coolparts2go! We don’t use Auctiva right now, but we are always open to ideas from our sellers. Thanks!

tieloindustries_gmai says: 04/21/20 at 05:26:32

Thank you very much for the added strip payment options, this is excellent

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/21/20 at 14:09:28

You’re very welcome, tieloindustries_gmai!

OnlyPollyPocketDolls says: 04/21/20 at 05:28:23

Outstanding! So pleased to have this additional payment option. Thank you.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/21/20 at 14:10:49

We’re pleased that you’re pleased! Thanks, OnlyPollyPocketDolls!

CindyBear says: 04/21/20 at 06:21:07

thanks, and never mind previous question from ccmom..I just signed up this booth

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/21/20 at 14:12:06

Hi CindyBear! Glad to hear you have this booth set up as well. Happy Bonanzling!

de_Grays_Collection says: 04/21/20 at 06:26:40

Different paying options is always a good thing.I have a Etsy shop too, but hate all of their hidden fees & would like to leave them. However I do make sales there & I don’t on Bonanza for some reason.I sell higher ticket items & would like to give my customers as many options as possible. I would LOVE to see a service that enables customers to make payments, like “Pay Later” etc.If we had a payment service like that, I would bring my customers here!Etsy is not fair to their sellers putting it kindly.So, Stripe is good but I really hope Bonanza would offer services like Pay Later or Aspire.Would happily leave Etsy & bring my wonderful customers with me!

BonanzaGreg says in response: 04/21/20 at 11:12:51

Thank you de_Grays_Collection for your gracious response. We agree, payment options are a great thing! All we can say right now is be watching soon, and be prepared to say “goodbye!”

Stoneponies says: 04/21/20 at 07:05:59

Thank you, this is great news!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/21/20 at 14:16:25

Yes, we are excited too! You’re welcome, and thanks to you for being a part of our selling community!

Mikes_Best_Picks says: 04/21/20 at 08:18:41

Can’t hurt! I’ll give it a try!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/21/20 at 14:17:41

That’s the spirit! We think you’ll enjoy having it.

FantasticFinds2014 says: 04/21/20 at 09:04:15

Definitely good news! Thank you!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/21/20 at 14:18:11

Yes, FantasticFinds2014! We think so too!

MagnoliaScreens says: 04/21/20 at 11:04:13

Thank you for making Stripe available. We appreciate the effort.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/21/20 at 14:22:24

You’re welcome. It was in the top three most requested features by our sellers, and we were happy to offer it to all sellers.

luxuryintimates says: 04/21/20 at 11:32:31

This is Great news!!!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/21/20 at 14:24:30

Hi luxuryintimates! We think so, and your buyers will probably think so too! Happy Bonanzling!

A-Rose-Designs says: 04/21/20 at 11:51:38

Woo, hoo! Thank you!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/21/20 at 14:25:24

You’re so welcome, A-Rose-Designs!

colbertclothing says: 04/21/20 at 12:02:27

Thank you!!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/21/20 at 14:27:19

You’re very welcome, colbertclothing!

Moe_s_junk says: 04/21/20 at 13:03:10

Thanks for the good news

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/21/20 at 14:27:41

You’re so welcome, Moe_s_junk!

GhulamM31 says: 04/21/20 at 14:11:24

Good to know that works too! I learn so much from you as well! Keep it up great post.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/21/20 at 14:29:51

Thanks GhulamM31! We plan to!

abigdogmom says: 04/21/20 at 14:16:06

This is great news. Are the taxes going to be handled the same way they are between Bonanza and PayPal? I certainly hope they are.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/22/20 at 05:49:18

Hi abigdogmom! Great question! Yes, the taxes will be handled the same way as they are with PayPal. Thanks!

Stardust_Memories says: 04/21/20 at 14:36:05

Too confusing

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/22/20 at 05:51:26

Hi Stardust_Memories! No worries! Stripe is completely optional, but if you’d like assistance you can always contact support@bonanza.com. Take care!

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