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Build Free Repeat Business with the Customer Marketing Tool
May 12, 2020

Build Free Repeat Business with the Customer Marketing Tool

Since Greg listed all of the methods we offer so that sellers can get free sales last week, I wanted to follow up on one of them, the Customer Marketing Tool. Bonanza has always placed emphasis on building a marketplace focused on the needs of sellers, and the goal of creating this tool was to give sellers the opportunity to encourage repeat buyers. You can use the Customer Marketing Tool to send coupon promotions directly to your customers, creating a personal relationship, and repeat sales. It sounds like it might be an expensive program to add to your booth, but it is the opposite. Not only is it free to use, but sales generated through this tool are free of final value fees. We waive our transaction commission fee to make it more comfortable for you to offer the discount. This is a clear win for sellers!

Where is it?

To get to the Customer Marketing Tool, click on the "Selling" link in the upper left-hand corner of any page. On the left side of your "Selling" dashboard is a navigation menu. Click on the "Customers" tab, then click on the "Marketing coupons" tab to access your Customer Marketing Tool.

How to use it

On the "Marketing coupons" page, click on the green button to "Create a coupon". Select the template or click on "Create your own coupon: Get started". Fill in the coupon details and which segmented group of customers you'd like to send it to.

After you've filled in all of the form fields, click on "Publish Coupon". That's it! This will send your marketing campaign to all of the customers you selected. When a customer clicks on the coupon in the email, they will be directed to your booth. Any sales made during their booth visit will have final value fees waived.

For visual instructions, check out our YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1CFIiVf4to

Bonanza’s mission is to empower entrepreneurs to build their dream businesses. This is the first time an ecommerce marketplace has gone to such lengths to put customer data in the hands of their sellers to accomplish that goal. We hope that you enjoy this method of connecting with your customers.

PS. Thanks to all the sellers that filled out the application for our new Seller Advisory Panel. It was wonderful to see how many of you are willing to provide ideas and feedback for selling at Bonanza. I'll be going through them this week to select our panel, and will respond to all who applied. Bonanza sellers are the best!

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18 responses to Build Free Repeat Business with the Customer Marketing Tool

SpaceAgeAntiques says: 05/12/20 at 16:54:53

Awesome tool, thanks for the information.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 05/13/20 at 09:25:40

You’re welcome, SpaceAgeAntiques!

supsilver says: 05/12/20 at 18:59:02

Thank you for wonderful tool. It is very good option for my shop.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 05/13/20 at 09:34:07

You’re welcome, supsilver! It’s a great way to get commission-free sales while staying in touch with your customers.

FOTSBON says: 05/12/20 at 20:34:53


BonanzaShelly says in response: 05/13/20 at 09:35:10

Yes! We hope you can use it to increase sales and profits.

custobers says: 05/12/20 at 22:36:11

Good contribution

BonanzaShelly says in response: 05/13/20 at 09:36:11

Thanks, custobers!

lostplanet says: 05/13/20 at 06:09:23

I do great with these. I have usually 1 a month that last for a week when I know I will have time to ship out the extra orders, and last coupon I had 75 items sold. Offering a 15% coupon is really only a 6% discount once I factor in the 9% fee.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 05/13/20 at 09:40:07

Excellent point! Sellers can definitely factor in the savings of a fee-free sale to create a coupon.

BOOKHUNTSTORE says: 05/13/20 at 07:44:47

Wow great

BonanzaShelly says in response: 05/13/20 at 09:41:35

Thanks so much!

JeanineE9 says: 05/13/20 at 14:26:40

Nice thanks

BonanzaShelly says in response: 05/14/20 at 16:36:20

Hi JeanineE9, hope you can use it to your advantage!

BayPal says: 05/13/20 at 15:41:26

Great tool! Although I have not scored the first goal yet, in terms of sales, I think it is essential for the sellers of this platform. Thank you very much for this initiative.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 05/14/20 at 16:36:44

You’re welcome, BayPal!

Nordstromsauto says: 05/14/20 at 07:27:15

I love that you waive the fees on this tool so it makes it cost effective as well to discount an item… almost like a perpetual motion machine…. People buy an item, the seller discounts another item, Bonanza waives the fees, the buyer purchases an item, the seller lists more items and the cycle starts again…

BonanzaShelly says in response: 05/14/20 at 16:38:00

Yes, it can be very profitable! Happy Bonanzling!

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