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Bonanza's 12th Anniversary and Annual Membership Sale
Jun 22, 2020

Bonanza's 12th Anniversary and Annual Membership Sale

Happy 12th birthday Bonanza! Beginning as a scrappy start-up in 2008, we're now 12 and are so proud of what we've accomplished with our community in making Bonanza your seller-centric online marketplace. We believe that over the years we've shown our true colors. You said it best in last year's raffle contest in which readers were asked to post One word to describe Bonanza in our comment section.

  • Dedicated
  • Diverse
  • Satisfying
  • Opportunity
  • Extraordinary
  • Easy
  • Economical
  • Flexible
  • Friendly
  • Community
  • Reliable

We're blushing, but we also remain 100% committed to living up to those kind words. And now, we have a variety of ways to celebrate with you!

12th Annual Membership Sale

Save big on a membership PLUS increase your sales!

Save an additional 25% off annual Gold, Platinum, and Titan membership subscriptions, now through June 28th.

Sign up now to save on membership-only features designed for professional sellers like you. With no contracts required, what do you have to lose? Don’t miss this opportunity for huge savings on a membership that will benefit your business all year long.

  • Access to live support chat (Silver, Gold, Platinum, Titan)
  • Apply discounts as visible markdowns (Gold, Platinum, Titan)
  • Appear in sponsored listing results when buyers search for keywords mentioned in your listing title or description (Gold, Platinum, Titan)
  • More insight with advanced item stats (Gold, Platinum, Titan)
  • Attract up to 300% more shoppers with TurboTraffic (Platinum, Titan)
  • Personalized consultations with our merchant account manager (Titan)
  • More advertising channels with no additional commission (Titan) 


Shine a Light on Your Faves (...and Enter Our Raffle)!

We are a friendly community and many sellers shop on Bonanza as well as sell. We're hosting a raffle to shine a light on the awesome booths, unique items, and deals that you've found while shopping here. Five lucky winners will be awarded TurboTraffic Packs or monthly membership subscriptions!

To enter the raffle, just comment on this blog post with a link to an interesting item you noticed while browsing or to your favorite booth on Bonanza (besides yours, of course!). We'd love to hear about what makes the booth you like stand out....either for the best deals, best customer service or just for having cool stuff. 

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109 responses to Bonanza's 12th Anniversary and Annual Membership Sale

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/22/20 at 09:33:01

Hi starshinin! Thanks for the link to the stainless steel pitcher in Sherry’s booth, https://www.bonanza.com/booths/sparkleize. You’ve been entered in the raffle!

ooak says: 06/22/20 at 05:55:33

Down To Earth

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/22/20 at 09:37:42

Hi ooak! Thanks for the comment, we appreciate the description! I’ll enter you in the raffle.

craf says: 06/22/20 at 06:17:10


BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/22/20 at 09:39:11

Hi craf! We appreciate your comment, customer-oriented, thank you! I’ll enter you in the raffle.

bilybob25 says: 06/22/20 at 06:43:38

Happy Birthday, A Great Place For Sellers And Buyers!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/22/20 at 09:39:56

Thank you billybob25!

Jackiestutto5andmore says: 06/22/20 at 08:00:00

I just don’t sell on this site, I have over 1300 items here, I have sold 3 since January 2020. :( I started here a few years ago to see how it would go, but it’s not worth my money to sign up for a paying account. No one know about this site, like they do the others. I have shared it many times with no luck. Good luck!!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/22/20 at 10:52:22

Hi, thanks for taking the time to comment here. You’ve got some very nice things in your booth, I especially like the hummingbird art print on a microfiber cloth: https://www.bonanza.com/listings/Microfiber-Artwork-infused-Reusable-CLOTH-Lens-Glasses-CD-S-Humming-Bird/829309822. Keep sharing, we’re continuing to improve the site from our end!

The_duchess says: 06/22/20 at 08:12:39

I love me some Lilly Pulitzer, her designs are whimsical, summery, and make me smile. These buttons are different, affordable, and a quick way to add some flair.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/22/20 at 10:55:03

Hi The_duchess! Thanks for sharing the buttons, that booth: https://www.bonanza.com/booths/cosdesigns has buttons for every possible occasion! Very nice. I’ve entered you in the raffle, thanks!

Gavel-Will-Travel says: 06/22/20 at 08:33:38

It’s been a long journey but you just keep moving on.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/22/20 at 13:22:07

Hi Laurel! You’ve been with us for all of our 12 years, thank you so much! You’ve seen a lot of changes over the years, and we expect the best is yet to come. Thanks for stopping by to comment! Be sure to add a link here to your favorite booth on Bonanza to be entered into our raffle.

FOTSBON says: 06/22/20 at 08:40:17


BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/22/20 at 13:23:52

Thanks for stopping in to leave a word for Bonanza, FOTSBON!

BookbinEtc says: 06/22/20 at 09:39:05

Wow! 12 years! I remember attending the first BonanzleUp in Seattle. It was so fun to meet everyone, and it’s nice to see some of the same faces still here.

Shelly, did you make those cupcakes?

Happy Bonzaversary!!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/22/20 at 13:26:07

Hello Brenda, happy anniversary to you too, another seller here from the start! Thanks! P.S. If I would have made the cupcakes I probably would have eaten them before the photographer finished taking the picture!

Howlin_Hounds says: 06/22/20 at 10:13:37

Happy 12th Birthday, Bonanza!
Here’s a lovely bracelet I found while browsing.


BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/23/20 at 13:57:47

Hi Howlin_Hounds! Pretty bracelet, thanks for sharing. I’ll enter you in the raffle.

fashionbyregine says: 06/22/20 at 10:16:31

Happy Birthday! https://www.bonanza.com/booths/ORLANDOMARKET

He’s got great listings!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/23/20 at 13:58:33

Thank you fashionbyregine! Thanks for sharing ORLANDOMARKET. Very nice. I"ll enter you in the raffle.

BonzMember_Lorraine says: 06/22/20 at 10:55:14

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY and congratulations on 12 great years.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/23/20 at 13:59:16

Thank you so much for the well-wishes, Bonzmember_Lorraine! We appreciate your support!

TurtleCreamBeans says: 06/22/20 at 11:10:32

You can find very unique items such as this

Here to help satisfy the masses, With help from Bonanza of course. Lets keep the train moving forward. Cheers!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/23/20 at 14:00:00

Hi TurtleCreamBeans! Thanks for sharing the link, you’ve been entered in the raffle, good luck!

rhondaannejewelry says: 06/22/20 at 12:21:43

Keep the light shining! Thank you!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/23/20 at 14:00:35

We absolutely will! Thanks bonzuser_raj61!

world_knitted says: 06/22/20 at 12:24:04

Happy Birthday!!!I Am only at the beginning of the journey, I hope for the best! Good luck!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/23/20 at 14:01:33

Thank you world_knitted!

aeauctions1 says: 06/22/20 at 14:12:14

I worry about trying your premium levels. I just do not sell enough on here to even pay for it.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/23/20 at 14:03:23

Hi aeauctions1! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on the blog. If you would like to have our team check your booth to see if they would recomment a membership or TurboTraffic for your booth you can contact support@bonanza.com. Our team can help you choose the best level for your business plan.

artpot says: 06/22/20 at 14:41:42

It is slow everywhere. Have sold a few items though. Better than any other Ecommerce site. Allows one to spruce up ads and support is very good. Only wish we started listing sooner. Keep up the good work Bonanza.


BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/24/20 at 09:00:40

Thanks artpot! We appreciate your comments about your good experience with our support team. Thanks for the link, we’ll add your name to the raffle.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/24/20 at 09:01:27

Thanks tropicaltees, the link to the sauce looks yummy! I’ll add you to the raffle.

TheCoasterMan says: 06/22/20 at 16:00:12

Thanks Shelly!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/24/20 at 09:01:55

You’re welcome, TheCoasterMan!

swartzink says: 06/22/20 at 16:34:06

I joined in August of 2012 and have had 3,055 transactions since then. Not as many as the other two, but well worth the effort. Thanks Bonanza. You are much easier to get along with than the other two.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/24/20 at 09:02:45

Thanks for the kind words, swartzink!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/24/20 at 09:03:19

Thanks for the link to the folk art! I’ll put your name in the raffle.

GREATBUYS1 says: 06/22/20 at 17:33:33

My favorite buys is greatbuys1. I put it together with much love. It is affordable and fun. I hope u visit and find somethingbu love. That will bring me great joy.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/24/20 at 09:04:50

I’ll check out your booth, greatbuys1! Thanks for stopping by to comment. Happy Bonanzling!

Zeidostore_ says: 06/22/20 at 19:02:21

Happy birthday bonanza

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/24/20 at 09:05:10

Thanks, Zeidostore!

Tibbsy257 says: 06/22/20 at 19:21:22

Happy 12th anniversary Bonanza. May you have many more.


BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/24/20 at 09:07:04

Hi Tibbsy257! Thanks for the link to the cute mustard jar! I entered you in the raffle. Take care!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/24/20 at 09:09:50

Hi ephemeraleclectics! Thanks for the link to the speakers. You’ve been entered in the raffle.

pearlorientbatik says: 06/22/20 at 22:48:57

I haven’t been here long but the Bonanza support staff are lovely and I really appreciate it. Also got the card that you sent, Shelly! It was a really wonderful surprise.

Would be happy to join the raffle but sadly misplaced the item URL & the name of the booth where they sold handmade cotton lace headbands that is also stretchy which wouldn’t hurt the ears. Oh well :’)

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/24/20 at 09:11:17

Hi mykamyka, so glad you like the card I sent! If you find the link to the cotton lace headbands, you can add it in another comment. I went ahead and entered you in the raffle. Thanks and have a great day!

AetherBender says: 06/23/20 at 01:01:43

I will take my time to see other people’s booths to defund something nice to buy soon, I like buying services or electronic goods more than physical ones though. Adding a chat option that includes image sending would be great!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/24/20 at 09:12:40

Hi AetherBender, thanks for the suggestion about adding an option for including images in the chat. We appreciate your input!

Joshman501 says: 06/23/20 at 01:06:13

Happy 12th anniversary guys! I like your website and I love how my Ebay listings automatically post here. I might get a membership here someday once I become a bigger seller. Keep up the good work and thanks for making this cool website!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/24/20 at 09:14:18

Ah, thanks, Joshman501! It has truly been a joy helping to make Bonanza the cool website it is! Glad to hear the eBay importer is working well for you. Take care!

ObscureFinds says: 06/23/20 at 02:09:43


I love maxi dresses and I came across this maxi Skirt I thought was a beautiful print.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/24/20 at 09:15:34

Thanks, ObscureFinds! What a beautiful skirt you posted a link to. I love it! I entered you in our raffle, good luck!

GlobalPick says: 06/23/20 at 03:03:17

Beautiful People & Management love to work with bonanza & my all heart giving wishes to everyone in bonanza thanks.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/24/20 at 08:56:52

Thanks GlobalPick! We appreciate your kind words.

Starfisher says: 06/23/20 at 03:26:47

I love the artwork that Renee of ArtsnEnds creates. She works in Pen and Ink as well as Acrylics. She is a longtime Bonanza member and an extremely talented artist. Here is one of her paintings. https://www.bonanza.com/listings/Original-Acrylic-Painting-Cactus-Garden-Southwest-by-Artist-Desert-Cactus-Purple/697835393

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/24/20 at 08:55:47

Hi Starfisher! I looked through the booth at all the wonderful artwork, thanks for the link! I’ve entered you in the raffle!

naoual_loukili says: 06/23/20 at 03:29:23

happy to share BONANZA anniversary .

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/24/20 at 08:52:16

Thanks, naoual_loukili!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/24/20 at 08:51:41

Thanks for the link to the hippo mug, child4eva! We’ve entered you in the raffle.

JOESESTATESALE says: 06/23/20 at 06:15:02


BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/24/20 at 08:49:43

Thanks for the link to the art glass, very pretty! You’re entered into the raffle, thanks!

syedhussain1949 says: 06/23/20 at 10:04:08

Happy anniversary,Great place for buyer and seller.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/24/20 at 08:50:05

Thank you syedhussain1949!

JBCcollectibles says: 06/23/20 at 10:17:07

Hi, I haven’t had a chance yet to search booths and sellers as I just signed up yesterday. I do want to say, I like the quickness of importing from another site and the ease of moving things around to my booth categories. Thanks!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/24/20 at 07:48:39

You’re welcome, JBCcollectibles! After you’ve had a chance to check out some other booths or items for sale be sure to post a link to enter our raffle.

Laptops_for_sale says: 06/23/20 at 15:24:40

Happy Birthday I am now glade eBay dropped me as I found this place in 2018 I can truly call home best service always there for us when we need answers or advice and to helps us at any questions we have no other place I can think of does that again I am glade I found this place called home Thank you

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/24/20 at 07:43:41

We’re glad to have you here, tj8799!

sexieste says: 06/23/20 at 17:05:23

Happy Birthday Bonanaza!! Wishing you many more years of success, good luck and joy!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/24/20 at 07:42:57

Hi sexieste! Thanks for sharing the super cute flamingo shirt. A great price too! I’ve entered you in the raffle. Good luck!

Mommastamps says: 06/24/20 at 00:22:03

Hi Shelly,

I need to get caught up with the season and get some Hawaiian Tropic Mist Spray Sunscreen’ like the kind sold at “My Saver Box” at https://www.bonanza.com/listings/Hawaiian-Tropic-Silk-Hydration-Clear-Mist-Spray-Sunscreen-12-Hour-SPF-30-Broad/823990975

They look like a very dependable Top Rated Seller.


BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/24/20 at 07:42:06

Hi MommaSells! Thanks for sharing the link to sunscreen, something we all will be needing this summer! I’ve entered you in the raffle!

DDrumDesign says: 06/24/20 at 06:35:14

Happy birthday! I’m brand new here at Bonanza and plan on getting more listed very soon. Thanks for everything!

I love the wide variety of all sorts of items available here. I found this cool necklace this morning:

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/24/20 at 09:24:15

Thanks DDrumDesign, that’s a very nice necklace! I’ll enter you in our raffle!

CoffeeCupCast says: 06/24/20 at 07:05:27

Very new here and looking to give Bonanza.com a try for my computer refurbishing. Nice to see I found this place right on your anniversary. Hope this all works out well. :) Happy Anniversary as well.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/24/20 at 09:25:11

Thanks CoffeeCupCast! We’re happy to have you here. Let us know if you have any questions about getting started.

PennyWorths says: 06/24/20 at 07:18:54

This is our favorite Bonanza booth – so fun! https://www.bonanza.com/booths/Caricature_gifts

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/24/20 at 09:27:09

That’s a great tip on the caricature booth, I hadn’t seen it before but it is very cool. I might have to get a custom caricature shirt. I’ll enter you in the raffle, thanks!

JBCcollectibles says: 06/24/20 at 08:55:00


I think I need to do some shopping here. :)

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/24/20 at 09:28:50

Hi JBCcollectibles! Yes, there is a lot of great shopping here! Thanks for the link to the booth, I’ll check it out and enter you in the raffle!

lucky7_store says: 06/24/20 at 21:20:56

Happy Birthday…

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/25/20 at 11:17:33

Thanks, lucky7_store!

Anything4UHQ says: 06/25/20 at 07:55:48

Just integrated a few months ago and sold my first item a few weeks back, I have to say it went very well! Hoping for a great future with Bonanza!!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/25/20 at 11:18:26

That’s wonderful, Kat3375! Welcome to Bonanza and let us know if you need anything!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/25/20 at 11:19:57

Thanks Tom! That sure is a cool ukulele! I’ll put your name in the raffle! Take care!

SpaceAgeAntiques says: 06/26/20 at 23:21:06

Hi Shelly,

Gotta love the retro video games, please enter me in the raffle:


Happy Birthday Bonanza!!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/29/20 at 10:21:00

Thanks SpaceAgeAntiques! I’ve got you entered. I"ll be posting the results later this morning.

Funkos_and_Toys_R_Us says: 06/27/20 at 20:58:27

Been here around 2 years and am averaging 80-100 sales per month :-)
Love the ease of use and attentive staff !


AngelicPretty says: 06/28/20 at 01:25:20

Happy birthday, to my most favorite platform. Hopefully it will not turn into a next Amazon, with defects, performance standards and seller suspensions.

I like this item, because it looks like my guinea pig: https://www.bonanza.com/listings/TY-Plush-6-Beanie-Baby-2-0-FLUFFBALL-Hamster-Guinea-Pig/721769193?search_term_id=72691834

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/29/20 at 10:21:54

Thanks for entering the raffle, AngelicPretty!

NeilS320 says: 06/28/20 at 11:36:04

Im new to your site, just got a bat. charger. And want to wish you the best.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/29/20 at 10:22:33

Thank you NeilS320! Welcome to Bonanza!

SerendipityPlus says: 06/28/20 at 11:46:16

How do I sign up for Turbo Traffic to lead more traffic to my booth?

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/29/20 at 10:26:09

Hi FabFair! I checked your booth and it is waiting for a review to post all of your listings. Then you’ll want to go to Selling>Advertise Items and set your ad level to 9% to get advertising. Then you can click over to the TurboTraffic link in the menu on the top of the page to purchase a pack. If you run into any issues feel free to contact our support team. Thanks!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/29/20 at 10:26:44

Thanks USBUSCN, I’ve entered you in the raffle.

MommyOf2QTsScentWork says: 06/28/20 at 20:42:42

This is a really cute dog tag and it’s it my favorite color, purple!


BonanzaShelly says in response: 06/29/20 at 10:28:15

Oh! Super cute dog tags, I need one for my pup! Thanks! I’ve entered you in the raffle.

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