Pre-viewed for quality and everything looks like new, still has the shrinkwrap on it. Full screen version is perfect for old school televisions as the picture will fill your square frame. The uncompressed audio is also superior to the digital version. Retro pop-n-go video with no pesky menus to navigate.
Cowpokes Boss (Duvall) and Charley (Costner) peacefully graze their cattle on the OPEN RANGE during the late 1800s. That is, until they run up against cranky, land-grabbing rancher Baxter (Michael Gambon) who dislikes the free-spirited, free-grazers and Boss's posse in particular. Instead of moving on, the highly moral Duvall and partner Costner decide to stay and fight for what's right. Bening is excellant as Costner's love interest.
The production and eye for details with good use of the Alberta locations are first-rate.