Brand new factory sealed Code Red dvd double feature is Out Of Print (OOP) and no longer being manufactured.

The NIGHT the PROWLER: A young woman is attacked by a prowler in her bedroom, but she turns the tables on him and she ravishes him. She then transforms into a knife wielding leather jacketed prowler herself, and begins sneaking into men's bedrooms at night.

The prowlee becomes the prowler. A tale about the dark side of suburban middle-class urban culture and family relations. Kind of like Abel Ferrara's 'Ms .45' or 'Deathwish'. Made in Australia from the director of 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show'.

DEVIL WOMAN: A woman is born with the power to control snakes. She has a sexy body and soft silken skin and... snakes for hair! The gorgon is harmless until superstitious villagers burn her home and kill her parents. She sends cobras (not the ones on her head) to kill the unfortunate locals.

At the same time, a Chinese Kung-Fu master and a doctor get mixed up in this game of terror and death. Made in the Philippines.