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Seeker, You Have Found IT!


The Master Spellcasters of  BetweenAllWorlds presents


 The Ancient, Powerful Vampire Magick Love, Seduction,
Obsession, And Desire Spell

Cast seven times for ultimate potency into a power amulet.

This potent magick works for Males or Females.


Own Their Heart, Body and Mind and Haunt Their Dreams....

Even if it seems impossible at this time, all obstacles will vanish.


With the overwhelming seductive power of real Vampire Magick.








There Is No Escape From This Vampire Love Spell


Whether you know the one you want or have not met them yet, they will be in the grip of intense desire for you that builds and builds, all night, all day until they must find you and have you for their own.






The intense shapeshifting power of Vampires increases your attractiveness, making you extremely irresistible, with hypnotic sensual magnetism.


Why is this the most powerful Vampire Love Spell you can find?  There is no being in the entire universe better at luring and seducing human lovers than a vampire. 


There is no Magick more powerful than Celtic Druid Magick, the most ancient and potent of all the Magickal Arts.


Lady Morgana, Celtic High Priestess, and Vampiress Vanya, our longtime Friend, Adviser and Guide combine powers to create this most potent amulet, enchanted with many rare, secret, magick spells, all related to drawing the one you dream of to you.


Your dreams can now come true as this mighty spell unfolds. 


Now you will be the one who is adored.


 Dreams show us what the heart wants.

This spell is cast so that you will haunt the dreams—and the waking hours—of a lover, ex-lover, partner, or potential partner.


This spell will burn a constant longing for you into their subconscious mind.  They will become obsessed with you.  Vampire magick makes them crazy for you.


The most positive, passionate, and loving thoughts of you will be tightly wedged into their mind and their heart.


He or she will dream of you every night. Every dream will draw them closer to you, will draw you closer to their heart.  These will be dreams of longing, love, sensuality, and fulfillment in your arms.


Scenes of bliss, love, passion, and happiness with you will play out before the sleeper’s eyes.


And, for good measure, there will be a few dreams of losing you to another and how bad that would feel. A little taste of jealousy and possible loss can work wonders in bringing a reluctant lover to their senses.


As your dreamer begins to enter sleep, you will be the first thing on his or her mind.  And you will be in the last dreams of the night, just before waking, so that you will be the obsession he or she carries throughout the day.

As the magick unfolds, they will desperately need to see you, talk to you, spend alone time with you,  and love you.


Their subconscious mind will reveal to them the desires of their heart.  

You Will Own Their Heart Forever!

And It All Started In Their Dreams.




You do not need to do anything to activate the magick.  No rituals or rites are needed by you, because we have done them all.  


All you need to do is stay positive and understand that no spells by any spellcaster fully manifest immediately.


You Must Believe for Magick to Work.


What we will mail you:

This spell has been cast 7 times and bound to an attractive amulet that can be worn around the neck by a chain, or simply kept nearby.  It is suitable for men or women to wear.   The amulet we select is the perfect Magickal Vessel for this spell.  The selected amulet will vary depending on Spirit Guidance in this matter.



Considering your privacy: If we have any information or instruction we mail it with the item. However, if for privacy reasons you prefer email instead, please let us know.


Remember to add us to your "Favorites" list and visit often to check out the latest one-of-a-kind magickal spells we will be offering.



You do not have to wear the amulet for the magick to work, as long as you keep it near.  For example: in a pocket, on your desk, near your bed, etc.

 All our spells are 100% safe for you, your family, your pets, etc.


All spells, no matter what others may say, usually take time to begin rearranging cosmic law to manifest the magick.  No one can predict how long, but impatience is a form of doubt and Magick works best in a 100% postive environment!   


The written content of this listing (excluding template components) is under copyright protection of betweenallworlds and cannot be used without the express written permission of betweenallworlds.







  • Payment is accepted only through PayPal.
  • We ask that you pay for items within seven (7) days of purchase.




Considering your privacy: If we have any information or instruction we mail it with the item. However, if for privacy reasons you prefer email instead, please let us know.


  • Shipping is free within the United States.
  • We ship First Class mail.  
  • We will combine shipping for multiple items.
  • Once we have mailed your package we will notify you that it is on its way.


Legally, we must state the following:

You must be at least 18 years old to purchase any of the items at this site. All items sold here and all information provided here are for entertainment purposes only.  The Seller is not responsible for anything pertaining to items purchased on this site. Results from owning and working with the items on this site are variable. There is no guarantee of paranormal or spiritual benefits for the buyer.  We are not personally liable for the actions or the results of actions taken by the buyer. Each buyer makes a purchase at his or her own risk.  No items sold on this site, or information provided on this site, are meant as a substitute for professional, financial, legal, medical, psychiatric, or psychological advice, diagnosis, prevention, or treatment.  No items sold on this site, or information provided on this site, are meant as a cure for any mental or physical problem or disease. This disclaimer applies to any written or verbal communication we have with anyone about this listing. Purchase of any items from this site constitutes acceptance of the terms above.



















Thank you for visiting BetweenAllWorlds. Remember to "Favorite" us and visit often to check out the latest one-of-a-kind magickal spells we will be offering. Until then, we wish you the brightest blessings and say "Farewell" for now.









































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