This is for one 4oz. bottle of colloidal Ruthenium 10PPM.

?Ruthenium is a mineral that is found naturally, in sea water, plants and soil. There has been scientific evidence to prove that this mineral helps with all the body's functions, and can enhance the brain, cleanse the blood and improve the health and look of the skin and hair. Ruthenium is essential for increasing your DNA's ability to handle large amounts of information. The mineral can help your brain to function better, since you'll be able to both take in information and process it more efficiently. One of the specific health benefits of Ormus Minerals Ruthenium is that is creates an electron path along the DNA molecules when information enters the system. The current increases from 100 electrons every second to more than 1,000,000 every second when Ruthenium is in the system. This is a drastic increase, which is why people are seeking to increase their knowledge in a certain area would do well to take Ruthenium regularly. Ruthenium also awakens the part of the brain responsible for spiritual health. Those who have questions about spirituality, various schools of thought and the overall meaning of life can take Ruthenium in order to stimulate the section of the mind that wants to understand things that are not necessarily academic or technical. Studies have also shown that Ruthenium can increase longevity. The mineral takes away the body's urge to take in large amounts of food at one time, so it gives your system time to process the nutrients that you've taken in from food. This can help you manage your weight, and gives you the energy you need for working out or performing professional and academic tasks. Ruthenium also increases your tendency to choose healthy foods that will increase the function of your immune system and give you more energy. You'll have less of a tendency to reach for fatty or sugary snacks, since your brain will be in a state of balanced, and you won't need unhealthy foods to temporarily boost your mood. People with eye problems have also used Ruthenium for natural relief. The mineral can improve the ways the eyes function, and increase the health of the eye's cells to prevent diseases like glaucoma and cataracts. This supplement is also ideal for people who have issues driving at night, since Ruthenium can improve eyesight and depth perception. Health benefits of Ruthenium also include cell detoxification. The mineral has the ability to prompt the cells to get rid of impurities. This keeps you from getting sick as often. Ruthenium also supplies you cells with nutrients, which prompts them to get rid of harmful substances. This enhances the way that cells function. So, you may find that you can concentrate for longer periods of time, are getting more restful sleep, and can exercise without pain because your cells are in their best condition. If you have sustained an injury or are recovery from surgery, Ruthenium can help your cells to restore themselves at a faster rate. As you can see, there are plenty of reasons to add Ruthenium to your health regimen. You'll find that your mood is elevated throughout the day, and you'll have the mental capacity to take on difficult tasks. I believe you will enjoy the fascinating benefits of this naturally occurring mineral.

A TDS can not be used to measure a pure colloidal. A TDS meter measures Total Dissolved Soilds such as salt, sugars, chemicals and other compounds in water. Metals don't dissolve in water, which is why it needs an electric current to break the bond. A high reading will show impurities such as reducers, chemicals and proteins, "old school method" Just Google why a TDS meter doesn't work for colloidal silver and many articles come up on this subject. You will get a low reading on from 0 to 6 if you test with a TDS meter.