Brace yourself! Mercury retrograde will backspin from OCT 13 - NOV 3RD
Here’s how to survive weeks of communication breakdowns without losing your mind. Ever have a week when nobody understands you? Your data disappears, people argue over nonsense, traffic sucks, and your computer crashes as you’re typing the last sentence of your Great American Novel. Flights are delayed or cancelled, or you forget your passport at home on the way to Mexico. Plans change without warning and your friends stand you up. We are currently about to encounter VERY DIFFICULT Mercury retrograde.
300X FULL COVEN MOST POWERFUL MERCURY RETROGRADE SHIELD spell Cast for you AND LED BY by 99 year old Witch FREE RING OR PENDANT UPON REQUEST!! OUR FULL COVEN LED Y ALBINA will 300X cast her amazing spell for you!! The spell is called "Retrograde Armor" that she was taught over 30 years ago!! SHE IS SHARING THIS SPELL NOW, AS WE ARE CURRENTLY IN MERCURY RETROGRADE UNTIL APRIL 15TH
This AMAZING spell actually draws in the POTENT Earth energies to assist in shielding one from the harmful effects of Mercury Retrogrades. These retrograde occur usually about three times a year, and although the effects can be of varying degrees the retrogrades usually: **Effects "good" communications-More misunderstandings, arguments, missed messages, and the "bad timing" that often occurs during retrogrades **Effects "smooth" travel with snarl ups, traffic jams and delays often occurring **Even Electronics, Electrical appliances, the internet and one's emails can be effected!
This POTENT and long held work of Magick can assist by "shielding" the bearer from these energies by drawing in the energies to balance out the negative! The energies being drawn toward one will Instead: **Enhance communications,Resolutions, timing and empower the speed of messages being sent
**Grant one "smooth" travel without delays, and provide the most efficient alternatives and "exits" for the bearer
*Protect one's Electronics by enhancing the energies that provide a "steady stream" of power
*An overall balancing of the energies within and around the bearer to deter the negative effects of Mercury's Retrograde!
Albina adds that one may also wear this Magickal anytime to assist in empowering these areas of life as well!! My Thanks as Always to Albina for her generosity and Amazing talents and strengths!!
)O( Please allow 1-3 weeks to align with this spell's energies ! MY most heartfelt BLESSINGS to Albina for all that she has given