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Core Collector Turf Maintenance.
The Turf Pride Core Collector is an accessory that can save you time and labor costs when core removal is necessary after aeration. As your aerifier is operating, the Core Collector picks up, contains and moves the cores to the collar and when lifted to make the next pass the cores are deposited on the collar. The Core Collector can be mounted in a matter of minutes on walk behind and tractor drawn aerifiers. Removal is just as simple and can be stored easily with virtually no maintenance required. When you want to save time and money on the most labor intensive job on the golf course. You can’t afford not to own one.
The Core Collector can be mounted on the following walk behind, 3PT hitch and tow behind aerifiers:
OEM Names used for descriptive purposes only.
We claim no association with these companies.
TP-CC-48-T Toro Procore-648  $1,475
TP-CC-36-T Toro Model-9120 $1,375
TP-CC-86-Toro Model-864 $1,725
TP-CC-54-TSR Toro Model-SR-54 $1,999
TP-CC-70-TSR Toro Model-SR-70 $1,999
TP-CC-66-T Toro Model-660 $1,999
TP-CC-40-D John Deere-1000 $1,500
TP-CC-36-D John Deere-800 $1,500
TP-CC-60-D John Deere-1500 $1,999
TP-CC-24-GA Ryan Greensaire $1,275
TP-CC-30-GA Ryan GA-30 $1,275
TP-CC-RGA-24 Ryan GA-24 $1,275
TP-CC-36-J Jacobsen-GA $1,475
TP-CC-12-GC Greens Care-12 $1,475
TP-CC-48-SR Soil Reliever-48 $1,999
TP-CC-54-SR Soil Reliever-54 $1,999
TP-CC-70-SR Soil Reliever-70 $1,999
TP-CC- Weidemann $1,999
TP-CC-48-T-TP Special Thin Bottom Plate for collection ¼" Cores Only…$280
TP-CC-BK Brush Kit (For use on dry Top Dressing Only) specify core collector model…$360
TP-450-004A Spring Assist…$475
Payment can be made over the phone via Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover by calling 239-357-1853 Craig.