This is a Dark Arts offering! It cannot be used for peace, mercy, compassion and similar purpose.
We wish to present our Demonic Evocation Talisman to our procurers. We can create as many as required from these talismans!
The Demonic Evocation Talisman contains the spiritual essence, powers and energies of Three Demon Kings and Three Demon Queens. Plus their legions of lesser demons, dark egregores, abyss fiends, fire demons, devils, imps, succubi, incubi, hellhounds and other hellish entities.
The talisman was enchanted with dozens of demonic spells, spellcodes and rituals, two Dark Moon Ceremonies, anointed with dark arts and demonic oils and other things over a full moon cycle. The end result is a magnificent powerhouse, that is ready to serve its new Keeper.
The talisman radiates with dark and demonic power. Just by holding it in your hands will send intense energy wawes into your body. The first time you wear it around your neck, it will immediately form a perfect bond between you and the Three Demon Kings and Three Demon Queens. You will be able to communicate with them easily and quickly using the talisman.
The talisman can be used to evoke and invoke dark and demonic entities, bind them into submission, make them obey your will and carry out your commands, obtain wealth, gain demonic power, get revenge on your enemies, protect you from spiritual harm, ruin other human beings, cause nightmares to your enemies, banish harmful spiritual entities and various other things.
These dark and demonic entities will never harm you in any way. They are looking for a new Keeper to help and serve. But we would not recommend this talisman to someone new to dark and demonic entities.
The Three Demon Kings and Three Demon Queens will create a dark and hellfire spiritual shield around your mind, body and soul. It will protect you from all kinds of spiritual harm and return them back to the sender six-fold. No spiritual attack will be able to touch you and harm you once you possess this talisman and use it to fulfill your desires.
The names of the Three Demon Kings and Three Demon Queens, full powers and other information will only be provided to the new Master or Mistress.
We will send you with this talisman a special sigil scroll and a special candle.