Lenon's Muskrat Super  All Call - Muskrat Lure / Scent 8 oz. Jar Long Liner Trapper's Special - Used by Trapper's Everywhere Since 1924!  FREE SHIPPING!

Muskrats really go for this powerful and unique aroma of intensely sweet  aromatics, essential oils, muskrat musk, and a remarkable secret ingredient used  by no other lure maker!  Once you see the results of this totally waterproof,  thick paste lure you will never trap without it!  We have received thousands of  testimonials on this fantastic lure!  Lenon's  Muskrat Super All Call It's an amazing Raccoon lure too!  Try it, you'll love  it!

Suggested Instruction  for catching Muskrat with Lenon's Muskrat Super All Call - Lure / Scent: 

Apply a quantity of lure the size of a large bean back and above the trap.   Where Muskrat are feeding or passing nearby, a good set is to scratch up a small  pile of earth at watera€™s edge and lay 2 or 3 small bright twigs or roots across  the pile for visibility.  Muskrat lure is placed just back of the pile.  Not for  human consumption.

Made with pride by John Chagnon using old  family secret formulas and techniques created by Asa and Herb Lenon.  "Serving  Trappers Since 1924"

Muskrat "All Call" Set  by Herbert Lenon

After locating where muskrat feed or pass  closely by the water's edge, choose your place or places for set or sets.

In selecting the place, give thought to  the prevailing direction of the wind which is usually West to North in fall, so  where it can be easily done, set traps up wind from where the animal feeds or  passes by.

To make the set dig or chop out a V shape  place in the bank at water's edge, this V should be about six inches wide at the  water's edge, 10 inches long or back in the bank.  At the point of the V place  Lenon's Muskrat All Call Lure by dipping a twig into the scent , quantity size  of a bean is right, press the twig into the ground firmly in upright position,  scent 4 inches above the ground.  Back of the scent lay 2 or three bright roots,  apple, carrot or parsnip peel to give visibility and eye appeal.

Set the trap in the mouth of the V, a bit  to one side, not exactly in the center, small twigs may be used a t sides of V  if desired as guides. If a stop loss type trap is used it may be set in an inch  or two of water; if common traps are used, and a hind foot catch is desirable,  trap should be under five inches of water.

Complements of Herbert  Lenon, Founder of Lenon Lures