Theatre Arts
Most issues publish a complete play (With photographs from the current production), as well as reviews, photos and features about the theater, theatre arts, current productions on Broadway, off Broadway, Opera, plus fabulous vintage ADS, and MORE -- Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below!

Issue Date: APRIL, 1955; Vol. XXXIX, No. 4
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THE COVER: Gower and Marge Champion, who are starred in the new musical "Three for Tonight". Gower Champion also staged the show, a Paul Gregory-Charles Laughton production whose pre-Broadway travels took it from coast to coast. Photograph by Roderick MacArthur.

Show Businessmen of Broadway by Roger L. Stevens.
The Remarkable Mr. Pennypacker by Liam O'Brien. [With photos from the production starring Nancy Devlin.]

The Playwright Is Still a Poet by Joseph Wood Krutch.
From Here to Maturity. Pictorial highlights in Nancy Kelly's career from child actress to Broadway star of "The Bad Seed".
Life with Bobby by Mordecai Gorelik. ("An Appreciation of Robert Edmund Jones -- the artist and the man -- by one of his ptoteges.") [With photos]
Applause by William Saroyan.
Twenty Years on a Tightrope by Barry Hyams.
Canadian Players on the Snowplow Circuit by Douglas Campbell.
Editorial: By John MacArthur, Editor and Publisher.

Opera House: Strauss and a Soprano, and Both Worth Waiting For by Emily Coleman.
Ballet Theatre's Birthday by Lucia Chase.
The Met's Most Celebrated Long-Hair.

The Grand Prize.
The Southwest Corner.
Plain and Fancy.
The Desperate Hours.
The Season On and Off.
Broadway by Maurice Zolotow.

The Wisteria Trees.
The Time of Your life.

Maurice Schwartz Repertory.
Thieves' Carnival.

DEPARTMENTS: Letters; Calendar; Books; Offstage; Theatre, U.S.A.

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Magazine is COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD condition! (See photo)