This listing is for a Male Individual only! If you are a female individual, then you should look to the similar Lilith Soul Union Ritual Pack.
This is a dark arts offering! Cannot be used for healing, peace, mercy or similar purpose.
We wish to present a demonic dark offering from our elite collection. Enter the Belial Soul Union Ritual Pack. Only one will be ever offered here up for sale!
After working with the Demon Sovereign, Belial over the years, he suddenly visited us on a dark night and instructed us to create this special ritual pack for a new Master. He wants to invite you into the folds of Demonic Immortality and let you become a Black Demon, one of his Dark Sons.
This ritual pack contains a bracelet, a ring, an amulet, three spellcast candles, two channeling stones, one demonic sigil scroll, one black demon oil, one small bottle of black demon elixir, a small black mirror enchanted with demonic magic, a bag of special spiritual herbs and a wooden charging box.
The bracelet contains the spiritual essence and powers of Belial and his legions of black demons. It radiates with demonic dark power and hellfire. Just by holding it in your hands, will send intense energy wawes into your body. The first time you wear it, it will immediately form a perfect omnipotent Soul Bond between you and Belial. He will manifest to you in a special way, such as a dark or fire energy orb, in a mirror, as a fog, as a dark male individual or in his true demonic form. He will place his spiritual hands upon your forehead and channel his dark-fire demonic spiritual essence and powers into you and start transfiguring your mind, body and soul into a Black Demon, one of his Dark Sons. The process can take up to 10 days long, during this time, your powers will manifest and you will be able to feel the demon blood, hellfire and dark powers inside you. When finished, your powers will reach overflow and the Demon Sovereign will manifest to you again and give you a new Demonic Name. You should discuss with him your desires in this world, what you want from him, how to work with demonic beings and other things. Once finished, he will bid farewell, things will return to normal and you will awaken from the trance state.
He will also awaken your demonic powers and from that point on, you will be able to clearly see, hear and work with Belial and his legions of black demons whenever you desire. You will be bound to his and he will be bound to you for all eternity. You will possess a portion of his demonic powers and reborn as a demonic being.
The ring is enchanted with demonic hellfire and fire magic, spells, spellcodes, rituals and matrixes. It will always feel warm to the touch due to these energies. You can use these fire energies to force others into submission, increase your sexual potency and prowess, for protection, generating heat, on the offensive with fire spears and balls, performing fire readings and divinations, causing illnesses and diseases and more...
The amulet is enchanted with shadow spells, spellcodes, rituals and matrixes. It will always feel cold to the touch due to these energies. You can use these shadow energies to break the minds of others and turn them into your thralls, for protection, on the offensive with shadow spears, performing shadow readings and divinations, trapping the souls of others and torture them, causing nightmares and more...
The Demon Sovereign, Belial is looking for a worthy Master to turn him into one of his Dark Sons, become a Black Demon, reach eternal youth, demonic immortality, wealth, power, have tons of sex, love, lust, pleasure and other things. Do you want these? Would you like to become a Black Demon? If you are reading these lines and later often come back to this listing, then he may be looking just for you. We accept reasonable offers and payment plans - in case you can't afford the full price.
Once you obtain this ritual pack and work with Belial and the black demons, your life will take a whole turn and instant results will manifest. You will be able to control others easily, gain a promotion at your workplace, draw sex partners or lovers to you, get rid of your enemies, astral project and visit various planes of existence to obtain forbidden wisdom and powers and fulfill your mortal and otherworldly desires easily and swiftly.
The more you utilize these items and work with Belial and his legions of black demons, the stronger the bond will become between you, Belial and the demons of power, wealth, revenge, lust, pleasure and sex. Over time, they will know your deepest feelings, emotions, fears, desires and work towards fulfilling your eternal wishes.
Through the demonic gate, Belial and the black demons will often visit you to converse, give you advice or guidance, reveal special demonic words of power, spells and rituals to you, help you to fully unlock and master your black demon powers and help you in your life. You can always turn to them for help in your times of need.
Belial will never harm you in any way. But since this is a demonic and dark arts offering, we recommend it only to experienced spirit keepers, who worked with demonic beings before.
Belial will create a special demonic fire shield around your mind, body and soul. It will protect you from all kinds of harm, injury, accident, bad luck, slander, illness, disease, black magic attack, curse, hex, etc. and repel back to the sender seven-fold. Once you possess these items and work with the Demon Sovereign, you can rest assured, that he will protect his Dark Son from these things.
No bonding ritual is required. Just by wearing the bracelet, ring and amulet, you will be able to connect, see, hear and work with Belial and his legions of black demons.
The new user of this ritual pack will obtain...
Demonic Magic, Powers And Knowledge
Fire Magic, Powers And Manipulation
Eternal Youth And Immortality
Vast Wealth
Overall Good Health
Resistance To Illnesses And Diseases
Open Third Eye
The Ability To Clearly See, Hear And Work With Demonic Beings
Astral Projection
Demonic Beauty
Mind Control
Spiritual Possession
Astral Shapeshifting
Demonic Intelligence And Wisdom
Fire Shield
Increased Sexual Prowess
Enchanced Physical Strength
Demonic Sight And Visions
Success Of All Kinds
Dark Powers
Shadow Magic, Powers And Manipulation
Aura Sight
Blood Magic, Powers And Manipulation
Energy Draining
Enchanced Senses
Poison Immunity
Demonic Awareness
Demonic Energy Generation
Life-Force Absorption
Instant Results
Demonic Blessings
Reality Warping
Fate Weaving
Absolute Existence
Infinite Powers
Cosmic Consiousness
And Much More...