This stainless steel plate is engraved in a certain time period during new lunar month.
The idea of this plate is to put water in it and after that - to drink it. The Nade Ali dua is maybe the most world famous dua ,due to its unique uses. Here are the uses of this plate and the water which will be put in it:
1. You will be protected from all evil powers known in this world.
2. If you have a black magic,evil eye, kala jaddoo on you - it will be removed.
3. To remove the bad effects of a poison.
4. For an incurable disease or ailment.
5. To get rid of disturbing troubles and worries.
6. Against loss of sleep or insomnia.
7. To be freed from prison.
Due to policies and restrictions, we have to tell you that this is a collectible non-magic item! If you want something else – write to us!