Up for sale wood ash fertilizer about 6 oz each pack.
Wood ash fertilizer.
Pine wood, oak wood, spruce is used to make ash.
For the home gardener, wood ash can be a valuable source of lime, potassium and trace elements. Use One teaspoon of ash per liter of water every 2 month.
Since wood ash is derived from plant material, it contains most of the 13 essential nutrients the soil must supply for plant growth
When wood burns, nitrogen and sulfur are lost as gases, and calcium, potassium, magnesium and trace element compounds remain. The carbonates and oxides remaining after wood burning are valuable liming agents, raising pH, thereby helping to neutralize acid soils
Where soils are acid and low in potassium, wood ash is beneficial to most garden plants except acid-loving plants such as blueberries, rhododendrons and azaleas. Use wood ash on flower beds, lawns and shrubs.
One-half to one pound of wood ash per year is recommended for each shrub and rose bush. Spread ash evenly on the soil around perennial plants. Rake the ash into the soil lightly, being careful not to damage the roots. Never leave ash in lumps or piles, because if it is concentrated in one place, excessive salt from the ash will leach into the soil, creating a harmful environment for plants
Do not use if soil pH is more than 7.0 or if potassium levels are excessive.
In compost piles, wood ash can be used to help maintain a neutral condition, the best environment to help microorganisms break down organic materials. Sprinkle ash on each layer of compost as the pile is built up. Ash also adds nutrients to compost.
If used judiciously, wood ash can be used to repel insects, slugs and snails, because it draws water from invertebrates' bodies. Sprinkle ash around the base of your plants to discourage surface feeding pests. But once ash gets wet, it loses its deterring properties
Advice for using wood ashes as a soil or compost amendment:
Protect yourself when applying wood ash. Use the same precautions you would use when handling household bleach, another strongly alkaline material. Wear eye protection and gloves. Depending on the fineness of the ash, you may want to wear a dust mask.
Do not use ash on alkaline soils or on acid-loving plants such as citrus plants, potatoes, rhododendrons and blueberries.
Do not apply wood ash to a potato patch as wood ashes may favor the development of potato scab.
Do not apply ash to newly germinated seeds, as ash contains too many salts for seedlings.
Do not add ash with nitrogen fertilizers such as ammonium sulfate (21-0-0-24S), urea (46-0-0) or ammonium nitrate (34-0-0). These fertilizers produce ammonia gas when placed in contact with high pH materials such as wood ash.
So generally use them only if your soil pH is under 7.0 based on a soil test.
Payment must be received within 3 days after the auction ends. Feel free to ask me any questions about this item. I am always glad to help you.
Shipping and handling is $4.65 in USA. I usually ship Mondays and Tuesdays first class mail, more then one purchased - via Priority mail. International S&H $25.00 first class mail.
Should you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me at any time.
Here are some of the great garden plants that will appreciate using ash, they love neutral soils:
Evergreen shrubs
shown: Green Velvet boxwood (Buxus ‘Green Velvet’; Zones 6–8)
Daphniphyllum himalaense ssp. macropodum (Zones 7–8)
Photinia species (Zones 7–9)
Aucuba species (Zones 7–10)
Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald Gaity’, ‘Silver Queen’, ‘Emerald n Gold’ (Zones 5–8)
California lilacs (Ceanothus spp.; generally Zones 8–10)
Deciduous shrubs
Daphne species (Zones 5–8)
Deutzia spp. (generally Zones 6–8)
Forsythia spp. (generally Zones 6–9)
Mock oranges (Philadelphus spp.; generally zones 5–9)
Lilacs (Syringa spp.; generally Zones 5–9)
Weigela spp. (generally Zones 5–9)
Spiraea spp. (Zones 3–8)
Hellebores (Zones 4–8)
Pinks (Dianthus spp.; generally Zones 4–10)
Brunnera macrophylla ‘Jack Frost’ and ‘Looking Glass’ (Zones 4–8)
Clematis spp. (generally Zones 3–8)
Potentilla spp. (generally Zones 5–8)
Scabiosa spp. (generally Zones 5–9)
Do not use it for those plants (they love acid soil)!!!:
Perennials for Acid Soil
Lupines Lupinus
Butterfly Weed Aesclepias
Turtlehead Chelone
Snakeroot Cimicifuga
Fringed Bleeding Heart Dicentra
Foxglove Digitalis
Gentian Gentiana
Primroses Primula
Trillium Trillium
Woodland Phlox Phlox stolon.
Virginia Bluebells Mertensia
Coral Bells Heuchera
Barrenwort Epimedium
Marsh Marigold Caltha
Lady Slipper Cypripedium
Hardy Ferns, most varieties
Groundcovers For Acid Soil
Winterberry Cornus canadensis
Wintergreen Gaultheria
Lilies of the Valley Convollaria
Bearberry Arctostaphylos
Miscellaneous Plants for Acid Soil
Wax Begonias
Calla Lilies
Plants that Indicate the Soil Might be Acid
Wild Strawberries
Ox Eye Daisies
Red Cedar
Dock (Rabbit Tobacco)