Albina has triple cast this LOVELY Ring with a spell that was again "requested to be imbued" by Alexandria during a visitation to imbue a specific ring with. As a result, Albina has consecrated this specific ring with Alexandria's VERY powerful "Sacred power of 100 energies" spell. This HIGHLY potent spell promotes intense strength & immense power that Albina had a very hard time describing this vast power and the effects it has on one to me. She did say however, that the bearer of such an item will feel a complete "dissolution" of all stagnant and unproductive current energies that are very quickly replaced with highly powered forces that instill not only incredible strength & power but also supernatural power beyond description.
She also says that she has read that in Alexandria's experience, those who Alexandria gave a few RARE imbued pieces had developed one of the following: the power of telepathy, telekinisis, psychic and clairevoyiant abilities, teleportation and shape shifting abilities, just to name some of this POWERFUL Magick's effects on others! Albina says when imbuing this pendant during the consecration ritual, her hands felt again as if " they were being held over a flame" because of the " incredible volume of energies that this spell calls upon".
Albina also explains that only Alexandria out of all of her mentors, that she knew in this life, or connected to from another plane, has been able to show her "the ways" to truly achieve such high levels of Magick! MY GREATEST Thanks and BLESSINGS to Albina and ALEXANDRIA for all of their wisdom and wonderful abilities!