Albina has mastered a form of Magick she has actually learned from Amira, the Djinn conjurer! Originally, she had wanted to learn how to conjure the Djinn because this was a type of Magickal practice that as she says " i had not learned, and for this reason I have become fascinated by the methods of this Magick". Therefore, she set out slowly educating herself with materials and tutoring from Amira over the last 8 years.
As a result, Albina has now discovered how to summon and bind spirits to vessels of jewelry!! She says that one can expect as a result to not only "gain a Magickal charge of energies" from these powerfully imbued pieces, one can also expect to gain a "spiritual bond" with the Spirit that each vessel houses!
This particular ring is connected to the CELTIC WITCH MARRIGAN. Albina says that she was a "wonder" in her time! She was able to Cloak herself and those she wished to protect. harness energies to grant manifestations and create "walls" of highly empowered protective energy to "keep negativity at bay." Albina says that Marrigan has been known to "gift" the bearer of such a vessel with attracting fortune, higher luck, and empowered spell works as well as spirit communication.
She is a "protector" who drives out any who are not "genuine." She has been known to also empower love and amazing instances of luck upon j=simply saying her name!!!
She adds that she was born in the 14th century and that she was a member of a long line of witch's who hid their amazing power. She has been known to manifest as a bright golden pink orb and it is not uncommon for one to hear her or feel her tangible, warm energy.
The bearer will be provided with a full bonding ritual!!!!
If you have read this listing, and you now feel "pulled or drawn to this POWERFUL are the meant to take her into your life!! My Thanks and GREATEST Blessings to Albina for all of her time and amazing efforts!!!!!