Please be sure to read the entire description before purchasing. A professor/writer and his daughter (Cornel Wilde & Jennifer Salt) come across a bunch of (recently re-birthed) gargoyles in the desert. Some of the highlights: an excellent and mysterious beginning (the first 20 minutes or so wherein some old desert rat shows the professor and his daughter a gargoyle skeleton in some dark barn/shack out in the middle of the desert; night comes down and then the gargoyles attack), Great spooky atmosphere, haunting soundtrack, excellent gargoyle costumes (remember this was a TV movie, not some big-budget blockbuster), good cast, dirt bikers, chases, hellish cave sets, cool gargoyle voices, grisly gargoyle murders. All in all, 'Gargoyles' is a 70's TV horror worth watching. It's pleasingly spooky, establishing a somber mood at the outset and maintaining it up until the ending. The ending is a little too abrupt and not completely satisfying, but otherwise this is good stuff and entertaining for horror fans. It stars Cornel Wilde, Jennifer Salt & a young Scott Glenn. From the out of print DVD and is commerciall free and uncut and the pictures are actual screen captures from the DVD. Sold on 1 DVD-R Disc in a DVD case with basic but nice artwork for the case. Why should you buy from me? I have sold and still sell on ebay for over 5 years with a 100% feedback and over 5000 feedback recieved. My seller id on ebay is g_brewer1 if you want to check for yourself. Please note: This film has been reasearched and is in the Public Domain because the copyright has expired and was not renewed.