This particular item is cast with an amazing spell to bring Wealth and Money to it's possessor FAST! In a world of high gas prices, outsourced jobs and a general high cost of living, many people are finding it harder and harder to pay their bills. If you want to get out of debt, have enough money to pay your rent and pay for gas -- and still live comfortably, then you should look to the Goddesses and Spirits for the extra help. This very powerful spell will bring you Money, Wealth, Riches and Good Fortune so you don't have to worry about having enough money to live anymore. This spell is Ten times as powerful as the original Luck and Money Spells casts by the Goddesses. You can feel the energy when you put it on! This ring has brought much good fortune and riches to all of those who have worn it. Those who ask upon it's powers will be brought the wealth and money they need fast! Your luck will be transformed instantly!

Note: You do not have to wear this item for the Powers to affect your Life - Keeping it in a Charging box, Charm bag or simply Carrying it with you will do just fine!