"Top Kick" i.e. boss in the form of a First or Master Sergeant. Definitely a unique item offered here, a printer's block that will give you on each impression assuming you ink the whole thing, five copies of a USMC 1st Sgt. Insignia with aviation wings and the slogan "Top Kick" across them. The graphics themselves are each about 6 1/2" x 1 7/8" not allowing for borders. With borders they are about 2 1/4" tall each and however wide of paper you cared to print them on.

What they were used for might be hard to say but on the other hand there aren't but so many things they could have been used for. I think bumper stickers is a good guess. It is in Very Good used condition and although I expect it would mostly likely sell as a collector's item, if you wanted to print more stickers I see no reason you could not roll the ink right on and start production. These blocks are not too cheap to have made and you could likely make some money from printing it.