4 x 2 FOOT BED
with 13" Tires & Hand Scrub Brake
Strong, Sturdy, Durable!
If you are tired of cheap plastic wagons commonly found in
many retail stores, check out these wagons. They are suitable for
pleasure riding as well as gardener’s farmers or contractors. Our goal
is to provide you with the most durable well-built wagon on the market
that will last for future generations and will give you and your family
years of enjoyment.
Our Speedway Express
Wagons are built with strong hardwood. The side rails are stapled and
glued to assure a stronger bond. Each wagon is built to conform to
strict specifications from Auto Turn Steering and ball bearing wheels to
welded heavy gauge steel framework to handle heavy loads and last for
Bright & Brilliant Colors: Red, Green, Pink & Blue - Specify at checkout