Kids age 7 and up will learn to sew with this book of beginner sewing projects and exercises by Nancy Smith and Lynda Milligan. I'll Teach Myself More Sewing Machine Fun is a continuation for mastering the wonderful world of sewing.
- Expands sewing knowledge
- Encourages creativity
- Over 23 projecs and games
- Look for more books in this series
- Exciting gifts to make
- Inspiring color photos
- Easy-to-follow directions
- Ideal for age 7 and up
As a seamstress myself, I can say that this book will teach your child from the basics. It looks like a good, fun way to learn how to sew at a young age.
Kid Tested - Kid Approved
This book is in very good condition. Not perfect, but very good. The plastic binding is split at the top for 1 1/4". Somebody signed their name on the page that says "This Book Belongs To". The pages are clean and intact with just a couple of exceptions. Somebody wrote the answers in ink on page 19, and penciled in a few of the answers on page 43, which I erased.
I'll Teach Myself More Sewing Machine Fun
A Dreamspinner Discovery Series Book - Softcover with plastic comb binding
71pages - heavyweight gloss paper - Colorful Illustrations
7 1/2" wide x 9 1/2" tall x 3/8" thick
I do my best to describe each item in detail. Please ask questions if you need any more specific information or more photos. I may overlook something that is important to you and I won't know until you ask.

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Graphics Designed By Indizona, Do Not Copy
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