Hot tea brewing method: Bring freshly drawn cold water to a rollingboil. Place 1 tea bag for each cup into the teapot. Pour the boiling waterinto the pot, cover and let steep for 2-4 minutes. Pour into your cup; addmilk and sugar to taste. - Iced tea brewing method: (to make 1liter/quart): Place 5 tea bags into a teapot or heat resistant pitcher.Pour 1 1/4 cups of freshly boiled water over the tea itself. Steep for 5minutes. Quarter fill a servi - Speedwell Tea (25 tea bags, ZIN: 513527): Speedwell has long been used, particularly in Germany under the name European tea. It is thought to act as a stimulant, provoking urination and facilitating expectoration; it has been prescribed for chest health problems, such as chronic pulmonary catarrh, phthisis and bronchitis. - According to Johan Franke, it could help many illnesses. Erastus, Gesner, Eisner, Craton administered it for calculus affections; Murray thought on the contrary, because of its astringent properties, it would tend to c
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