Kids age 7 and up will learn to sew with this book of beginner sewing projects and exercises by Nancy Smith and Lynda Milligan. I'll Teach Myself Sewing Machine Fun is a delightful introduction to the fascinating world of sewing.
- Clear, colorful directions
- Over 25 projects and games
- A successful self-teaching program
- Creates a life-long skill
- 72 pages of sewing fun
- Perfect for kids age 7 and up
As a seamstress myself, I can say that this book will teach your child from the basics. It looks like a good, fun way to learn how to sew at a young age.
Kid Tested - Kid Approved
This book is in very good condition. Somebody signed their name on the page that says "This Book Belongs To". The pages are clean and intact with one exception. Somebody wrote the names of the sewing machine parts on page 5, as seen in one of the photos that I have included.
I'll Teach Myself Sewing Machine Fun
A Dreamspinner Discovery Series Book - Softcover with plastic comb binding
71pages - heaveyweight paper - Colorful Illustrations
7 1/2" wide x 9 1/2" tall x 3/8" thick
I do my best to describe each item in detail. Please ask questions if you need any more specific information or more photos. I may overlook something that is important to you and I won't know until you ask.

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