This Listing is for 100 Golden Rod - Solidago canadensis seeds.
Hand collected in my organic central Oklahoma gardens, Golden Rod is a very special plant to have around.
Golden Rod is an aster and there are 120 species within the genus Solidago.
The golden yellow flowers cover the landscape in fall attracting bees and butterflies.
All parts of the plant including flowers, leaves, stems, roots, and seeds have various medicinal properties.
The Flowers can be chewed for sore throats and colds. A tea made from the flowers is used in the treatment of diarrhea, body aches, fevers, snakebites and burns.
The seeds are used in treatment of kidney and bladder disorders, muscle or joint stiffness, and arthritis.
Other herbal uses by a number of Native Americans include the treatment of wounds for antiseptic and to control bleeding. Urinary infections, various skin ailments, flu, whooping cough, bladder and kidney disorders, gastroenteritis, and even for treating thrush.
We enjoy the plant here every fall, make good use of the tea through winter and think you will enjoy doing so as well.
Thank you for looking!