132399 DS - June 2018 Park Pack - Peter Pan Frame - Version 2
This is Version 2 of the frame pin from the June 2018 Disney Store
Online Park Pack. This pin features a scene from Peter Pan framed by
icons from the movie. The frame is metallic and raised up. The bottom
left corner of the frame has Nana’s doghouse. Above that are the Indian
teepees. The upper right has Big Ben and the bottom right has Skull
Island. The scene in the middle varies between the versions of the pin
and in this one it shows Captain Hook and Tinkerbell. There are 3
variations to this pin, each a limited edition 500.
thanks to pinpics for the listing info
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getting multiple items please be sure to pay for them all together to
get the discount. Items cannot be adjusted, discounted, or refunded once
payment has been made.