80 Years With Mickey Mouse 
Cast Member 2008 Kissing Holding Hands Spinner Pin
Hidden Mickey

Pin was released 10/03/08 at WDW Co D. Round, with a spinner center. Outside ring reads, "80 Years With Mickey Mouse" across the top. (Silver, red and yellow lettering.) Two silver Mickey icon heads are on the sides, across from each other. The bottom reads, in silver lettering, "Cast Member 2008". One side of the spinner shows old fashioned Mickey and Minnie. (Minnie is hugging and kissing Mickey who already has 2 lipstick prints on his face.) The reverse side is the same Mickey and Minnie facing each other and holding hands. Behind them is a yellow and green sunburst. A shared released between DLR and WDW Cast Members. Commemorates the 80th anniversary of the mouse who started it all. 1 3/4" circle.