The longer you hold the crystal, the more you feel the depth of its energies and the immense multidimensionality of it's 'source'... It can genuinely get too much as it can get overwhelming feeling the vastness of the universal force transcending through this remarkable crystal.

 and just about when you feel like you can handle it no longer, you feel the warmth... or shall I say a powerful heat emerging around the hand holding the crystal... and you realise the powerful support from our angelic realms to your work and your purpose.  Once you feel safe again, the surge of 'cold' cosmic energy comes pouring into your energy field and the communication is established!

'' Rainbows in Crystals ''

Will appear as internal fractures (foils) Rainbows are the closest manifestations of Pure White Light that can be witnessed on this plane. Rainbows unite and integrates heaven and earth. On special Occasions rainbows choose to live within the the world of a crystal, displaying their magic to us. Truly a gift from the Universe if you are Blessed to receive one of these.

When used in Meditation Rainbow crystals open the doorway way to the realm of pure color. Back to the source of all life, the Great Central Sun, the foundation of our reality. They are also know to be bringers of happiness and master depression fighters.

tantrik twin crystals

Tantric Twin Crystals are crystals who share a common base but who have two separate and distinct points (terminations).  They are literally two heads 

on one body.  The terminations on a Tantric Twin may or may not be of the same length or height but they must be born from a common base or body.  

These are not two side-by side individual crystals, but one crystal with two points.  Tantric Twins are not Soul Mate or Spirit Guardians.  Some Tantric 

Twins are also called Japanese Twins and are exact mirror images of one another.

The word tantra itself is an ancient Sanskrit word meaning union.  Your most important union is always first with your True Self.  The ultimate union is 

when your Soul becomes one with you Original Source, however you personally see that – as the Life Force, All That Is, the Tao, or God.

Himalayan quartz holds sacred energy frequencies and the wisdom of ancient cultures. The crystal can be used to enhance, amplify, and intensify transformation, releasing self-limitation, disease and disorders. Himalayan Quartz Crystals gather, hold and release  a very high energy with a powerful "ohm" vibration. It is also an enhancer and activator of other crystals. It is believed that they have the ability to receive and transmit energy from both ends and are used for alignment, patience, perseverance, protection, dreams and astral projection. Double terminated crystals strengthen energy flow, and create an energy vortex that can clear all unwanted energy, changing negative into positive energy.

Considered one of the "Master Crystals", Lemurian Quartz Crystals teach oneness, reminding us that while we are all individuals, we are also connected to each other, and that we are all equal in Spirit. Lemurian Quartz Crystals help us maintain our connection to Spirit, aiding spiritual evolution, and have been used successfully in dream work. Lemurian Quartz crystals are a wonderful tool to use when clearing and activating the Chakras. An amazing healing crystal, Lemurian Quartz will assist in removing all types of energy blockages. Use a Lemurian Quartz Crystal for healing and meditation work.

Also called “Lemurian Seed Crystals” or "Lemurian Star Seeds", Lemurian Quartz Crystals were originally found in Brazil. Metaphysical Legend states that there was once an advanced ancient civilization called Lemuria, similar to Atlantis but more spiritually developed and peaceful. As the end of their time on Earth was coming to an end, the Lemurians programmed these crystals to teach their messages of oneness and healing - messages that would be revealed when the energy on Earth was ready to receive them. The Lemurians then planted (or “seeded”) the Lemurian Crystals, encoded with their ancient knowledge and wisdom, to be found centuries later by us.

The legend continues to state that Lemurian Seed Crystals are planted in a grid pattern over the surface of the Earth and beyond, to other stars and dimensions. When you connect to a Lemurian Crystal and the energy it contains, you are also connecting to this grid of associated energies from the Earth, the stars,and beyond.


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