Fusion by Mike Kaminskas

"Very clever piece of magic! Fooled me the first time I saw it, and I never let them leave alive..."-Tony Chang
"I think it's great! Performed stand up, simple, direct and practical, it's a gem for real world workers!"-Zenneth Kok
are you asking me for a quote? As soon as people see the trailer and
realize this is an EASY and PRACTICAL torn and restored that happens in
the SPECTATOR'S HANDS, they're going to buy it. Nothing I say matters.
Which means... I can say anything. I cry every time I watch Pixar's Up.
There, I said it. Now go enjoy Fusion."-Ben Train
is Fusion? Quite simply, Fusion is Michael's approach to the classic
Torn and Restored playing card plot. Based upon an idea of Derek Dingle,
Michael has refined and approached his handling from both a non
gimmicked and gimmicked standpoint. It truly is an anytime, anywhere,
torn and restored that you can add directly into your working
repertoire. Best of all, it's really easy to do.
As an added
bonus, the gimmicked variant allows for endless possibilities outside
the T&R plot such as picture duplications and other feats of
mentalism. Simple, practical, fooling.... all words used to describe FUSION
from some of the most creative minds in magic. After 20 years of trial
and error, Michael has delivered the most practical torn and restored
card.. the wait is finally over. What are you waiting for, pick up your
copy today!