Guarding You on Every Trip
This motorcycle helmet is DOT approvedand provides high standard of safety for your riding trips. Thehelmet has advantages such as impact-resistance,penetration-resistance, and fixings that don't come off easily,ensuring riders have peace of mind every time they go on atrip.
Equipped with large clear lenses andbuilt-in sunshade lenses, the clear lenses block wind, sand andflying creatures for high-definition. The built-in sunshade lensesautomatically filter glare when the sun is strong, avoiding eyefatigue and making it easy to switch.
The aerodynamic design combined with thehighly efficient ventilation system in the motorcycle helmetensures air circulation inside the helmet, keeping your head cooland away from the sweltering heat even on long rides.
The weight of the helmet is evenlydistributed, avoiding the burden on the head and shoulders for longperiods of time and making it less likely to feel squeezed on thehead.
The aerodynamically optimized shape ofthe motorcycle helmet significantly avoids wind drag and noise,ensuring that the rider is able to clearly perceive his or hersurroundings, thus ensuring a timely response and a saferide.