36" Safety Cones 6Pcs
360-Degree Visibility &High-Quality Material & Sturdy Base
Our PVC traffic cones areunbreakable and flexible due to their high-quality PVC material.These orange safety cones have a reflective collar with 360-degreevisibility, which can be seen even in fog, rain, snow, and otherharsh environments. They are perfect for roadside emergencies,schools, municipalities, parking lots, construction sites, and soon.
  • Durable PVCMaterial
  • High-VisibilityCones
  • Large WeightedBase
  • EasyStorage
VEVOR is a leading brand thatspecializes in equipment and tools. Along with thousands ofmotivated employees, VEVOR is dedicated to providing our customerswith tough equipment & tools at incredibly low prices. Today, VEVORhas occupied markets of more than 200 countries with 10 millionplus global members.
  • Premium Tough Quality
  • Incredibly Low Prices
  • Fast & Secure Delivery
  • 30-Day Free Returns
  • 24/7 Attentive Service
  • Premium Tough Quality
  • Incredibly Low Prices
  • Fast & Secure Delivery
  • 30-Day Free Returns
  • 24/7 Attentive Service
Superior PVC Material
These 36-inch safety cones aremade of PVC material, which is solid and won't break after beingrun over by a car. Our traffic cones are flexible and will retaintheir shape consistently.
Silver Reflective Collar
Our orange construction conesfeature a silver reflective collar, ensuring a 360 ° reflectivesurface no matter day or night. They are your priority choice forthe sake of security.
High-Stability Base
Our traffic cones are highlydurable and will not be blown down by the wind. The reason is the14" x 14" large weighted base is so sturdy and withstands theoutdoor elements for a long time.
Compact Size
Safety cones 36 inches have acompact size but powerful function. They are easy to carry andtransport, so you can use them effortlessly at any place. Size: 36x 14 x 14 in. Net Weight: 58 pounds.
Space Saving
Our construction cones aredesigned especially for ease of stacking. If you put them in yourcar, all traffic cones can be stacked on one another and will nottake up too much space.
Extensive Uses
Our Safety cones can be widelyused in personal or public areas like gardens, parking lots, roads,and squares. Create a warning area or provide a safe place forchildren to play on the driveway or playground.
  • Model: Safety Cones36"
  • Material: PVC andRubber
  • Color:Orange+Sliver
  • Number: 6Pcs
  • Reflective Collar Size:6 x 4 in / 15 x 10 cm
  • Product Size: 36 x 14 x14 in / 92 x 35 x 35 cm
  • Net Weight: 58 lbs / 26kg
Package Content
  • 6 x SafetyCones
  • 1 x ReflectiveVest
VEVOR is a leading brand thatspecializes in equipment and tools. Along with thousands ofmotivated employees, VEVOR is dedicated to providing our customerswith tough equipment & tools at incredibly low prices. Today, VEVORhas occupied markets of more than 200 countries with 10 millionplus global members.
  • Premium Tough Quality
  • Incredibly Low Prices
  • Fast & Secure Delivery
  • 30-Day Free Returns
  • 24/7 Attentive Service
  • Premium Tough Quality
  • Incredibly Low Prices
  • Fast & Secure Delivery
  • 30-Day Free Returns
  • 24/7 Attentive Service
360-Degree Visibility &High-Quality Material & Sturdy Base
Our PVC traffic cones are unbreakable andflexible due to their high-quality PVC material. These orangesafety cones have a reflective collar with 360-degree visibility,which can be seen even in fog, rain, snow, and other harshenvironments. They are perfect for roadside emergencies, schools,municipalities, parking lots, construction sites, and so on.
These 36-inch safety cones are made of PVCmaterial, which is solid and won't break after being run over by acar. Our traffic cones are flexible and will retain their shapeconsistently.
Our orange construction cones feature a silverreflective collar, ensuring a 360 ° reflective surface no matterday or night. They are your priority choice for the sake ofsecurity.
Our traffic cones are highly durable and willnot be blown down by the wind. The reason is the 14" x 14" largeweighted base is so sturdy and withstands the outdoor elements fora long time.
Safety cones 36 inches have a compact size butpowerful function. They are easy to carry and transport, so you canuse them effortlessly at any place. Size: 36 x 14 x 14 in. NetWeight: 58 pounds.
Our construction cones are designed especiallyfor ease of stacking. If you put them in your car, all trafficcones can be stacked on one another and will not take up too muchspace.
Our Safety cones can be widely used in personalor public areas like gardens, parking lots, roads, and squares.Create a warning area or provide a safe place for children to playon the driveway or playground.
Package Content