Hand Painted Hochst Porcelain Coffee Set in box. Amazing set from the last half<br>of the 20th century 100% hand painted each piece signed by the artist. The<br>quality of this set compares with any of the worlds top porcelain manufacturers<br>and while Hochst isn't as prolific and sold in as many stores as Meissen,<br>Herend, Royal Copenhagen, etc it's just as good and a set like this would cost a<br>few grand if available today. It's mint I believe never been out of the box,<br>it's from a several million dollar home that was the couples' second home,<br>rarely visited. It's a demitasse coffee set 4 3/8" wide saucers cups 2 13/16"<br>wide without handles. It's complete and comes with 8 saucers, 6 cups, creamer,<br>sugar, and coffeepot. I'm guess it's 30-40 years old and there is minor<br>degradation to the foam interior of the box and some soiling to the box. there's<br>a different scene on each piece.<br><br>History of Hochst porcelain<br><br>The factory at Höchst was founded in 1746 and was supported by the Elector of<br>Mainz. They at first only produced faience but later (around 1753) mainly<br>porcelain was produced. The mark used was the wheel mark and later the wheel<br>mark with the electoral crown above it. Melchior was the most famous of the<br>figurine designers who worked for Hochst. After a fairly short existence, as was<br>the case with most of the makers of porcelain in the 18th century, Hochst’s<br>factory was closed in 1796. Nearly two centuries later, a modern factory was<br>opened in 1947. While the second factory closed in 1964. A third one followed in<br>1965 and is still around