Bare-root Blooms in April and May, with numerous red blossoms arranged in erect clusters (panicles) that are 4–8" long
Features lustrous dark green leaves made up of 5–7 leaftlets that droop handsomely; its foliage unfurls earlier than most trees
Yields fruit 1½–2" in diameter with a smooth or slightly pitted shell that encloses 1–3 dark brown seeds
Can grow as a multi-trunked tree, a single trunked tree or a shrub, depending on pruning
Makes a great specimen tree
Grows in an oval shape
Loses its leaves early, usually by late Septembe
With its spectacular springtime show of deep red flowers, it’s no wonder that Guy Sternberg (author of Native Trees for North American Landscapes) ranks the red buckeye as “among the most beautiful of any temperate-zone tree.” This stunning ornamental can add a touch of interest to any home or park landscape.

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