Disney Trading Pin

78856     DLR - Dateline: Disneyland 1955 - D-PINZ Early Bird Registration Pin

This is the Early Bird Regisration pin from the Dateline: Disneyland 1955 Event. This pin was given to guests who registered for the event between March 3, 2010 and April 3, 2010. Pin features the logo for the DPINZ Broadcast Station, a fictionalized station, which "broadcasts" breaking news about the Dateline: Disneyland® 1955 - Pin-Vited Press Event. The pin shows Mickey's white gloved hand holding a gold pin-on-pin vintage microphone with the event logo, "Dateline Disneyland 1955". Pin is approximately 1-3/4" tall x 1-1/8" wide.

thanks to pinpics for the listing info

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