Wooden gymnastic bar for the whole family. 5 height levels!
Reinforced, thicker construction, thicker, stiffer bar!!!
The gymnastic bar is one of the basic devices used in gymnastics and strength training. In addition to the benefits associated with developing strength and endurance, using the bar helps to improve coordination, flexibility and fluidity of movements
It is made of carefully selected, processed, durable beech wood, it is perfectly smooth and pleasant to the touch.
Beech wood is hard and more durable than coniferous wood, and most importantly it does not have splinters, unlike other softer species of wood.
The sides and back of the bar are made of birch wood (plywood), perfectly sanded, smooth. The entire structure is finished with a special hard oil, thanks to which it is very easy to keep clean, it does not absorb moisture, and the entire surface of the bar is resistant to wear.
In addition, the bar itself can be dismantled from the handles with one movement and additional accessories can be attached to it, such as gymnastic rings, boxing accessories or a ladder, a swing for children.
Height does not matter because the bar has 5 height levels. It will be perfect for both parents and children. Additionally, thanks to the height adjustment, you can perform various exercises for different muscle groups.
After the workout is finished, the bar can be removed, put away in the wardrobe, thanks to which we regain the full height of the passage through the door. The sides fastening the bar are so delicate that they do not sting the eye and do not interfere at all on a daily basis.
Bar width: adjusted to the width of the door opening - thanks to the appropriate thickness, the maximum, safe width of the opening in which it can be mounted is up to 117 cm!!!
Pull-up bar specification:
Material: hardwood,
Bar width: adjusted to the width of the door opening, just provide the width of the door opening after purchase - we will cut it ready!!!
Bezpieczne obciążenie: 100 kg,
Średnica pręta: przekrój owalny, wysokość 4 cm, grubość 3 cm
wymiary boków przykręcanych do ościeżnicy: wysokość 91,5 cm, szerokość 6 cm, grubość 2,1 cm,
Mocowanie: 6 do ościeżnicy
Bezpieczna szerokość drążka - 117 cm!!
Po zakupie napisz do nas jaką masz przestrzeń, szerokość otworu, w którym chcesz powiesić drążek. Zajmiemy się docinaniem belki na odpowiednią długość. W przypadku braku takiej informacji wyślemy belkę o maksymalnej długości, czyli 117 cm.
Jeśli potrzebujesz pełnej wysokości zabudowy drzwi, ściany, napisz do nas. Na to też mamy rozwiązania :)