Saturday Evening POST
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ISSUE DATE: September 8 1962; Vol 235, No 31
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THE COVER: PIGSKIN PREVIEW'S selection as Back of the Year is Ray Poage of Texas. A crisp blocker and hard runner, the 21- year-old business administration major averaged five yards per carry last season and will be a key man in Longhorn coach Darrell Royal's "flip-flop" offense fall. Gordon Tenney made the cover photograph.
Man's Worst Friend (Speaking Out) ... By Pamela Gordon.
Negro Youth's New March on Dixie ... By Ben H. Bagdikian.
Pigskin Preview '62 ... By Fred Russell.
President Kennedy Casts a Movie ... By Bill Davidson. (Casts Cliff Robertson as himself in PT-109)
My Brother Runs for Governor ... By Stewart Alsop.
A Matchless Mother-in-Law ... By Elizabeth Borton de Treviño. Illustrated by Douglas Crockwell.
The Narcotics Dilemma: Crime or Disease? ... By John Kobler.
Fishing With Small Fry. ... By Bob Eddy.
Profile of a Peace Corpsman. ... By Nathan A.Haverstock.
The Monster Cannon ... By Dan Tyler Moore. Illustrated by Jerry Martin.
One of Us Must Die ... By Edmund Gilligan.
The Ballad of Iron Leo ... By Harry Mark Petrakis. Illustrated by Bill Whittingham.
DEPARTMENTS: Letters; Post Scripts; Hazel; Editorials.
NEGRO YOUTH: As correspondent for the Providence Journal, 42-year-old Ben Bagdikian has covered some of the most important stories in the past decade: the Israeli-Egyptian war, riots in Little Rock, revolution in Cuba. But writing this article for The Post, he says, presented a new and fascinating challenge. "It meant involvement with a world which is unappreciated by a majority of Americans but which is of commanding significance to our society." Washington-based Bagdikian made an extensive trip through the South to gather material for his article. How does he feel about his subjects personally? "These kids," he maintains, "are the most hopeful young people I've seen in a long time. They have a sense of purpose, an honorable goal and a civilized means of achieving it. They also have faith in democracy."
OTHER BY-LINES. "I'll probably never be so lucky again," confessed Nashville Banner sports editor Fred Russell after predicting correctly fourteen of last year's top twenty college football teams (including three of the top four). Admittedly nervous, he climbs out on his annual limb once more for PIGSKIN PREVIEW '62, beginning on page 20. Bill Davidson, who writes on the President's involvement in the filming of PT-109, is a Post contributing editor.... Stewart Alsop is Washington editor of The Post. . . . MY MATCHLESS MOTHER- IN-LAW is an excerpt from Elizabeth Borton de Treviño's forthcoming book, Where the Heart Is.... Contributing editor John Kobler made his first appearance in our pages more than twenty years ago with an article on -- of all things -- Superman.... Bob Eddy would like to take his family fishing every weekend of the season, but his duties as managing editor of the St. Paul Dispatch occasionally interfere. . . . Nathan A. Haverstock, a former member of the Post staff, works for the Alliance for Progress in Washington, D.C. During the summer months, when Dan Tyler Moore wants to escape telephones and doorbells, he merely sails his 12-foot ocean dinghy past the Cleveland breakwater -- and writes while he rocks. His most recent book is Cloak & Cipher, published by Bobbs-Merrill. . . . Edmund Gilligan lives on a farm up the Hudson River from New York City. . . . Harry Mark Petrakis drew from boyhood experience as a helper in a South Chicago steel mill to develop the vivid characters in THE BALLAD OF IRON LEO. This is his fourth Post story.
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