BJJ for Old F***S 2: The Passing Game 4 DVD Set with Rob Biernacki & Stephan Kesting
How to Defeat the Younger, More Athletic Opponent by Rob Biernacki and Stephan Kesting, Vol 2 Learn How to Stay Relevant on the Mats into your 40’s and 50’s with High Level Guard Passing with Rob Biernacki, the World’s Foremost Proponent of Conceptual Jiu-Jitsu. Young punks LOVE using their insane flexibility and bottomless gas tanks to contort themselves into positions that would snap you in half, and then flip, twist and turn into all sorts of new-fangled attacks.You’d like to train the same way, but the trouble is you’re in an older, high mileage body now. It’s slower, stiffer, and your endurance isn’t what it used to be. Makes it hard to keep the same pace as these young guys who have all the time in the world to train. Right now you keep on falling into some young guy’s inverted-reverse-de-la-worm-guard sweep. And then in no gi class he spins from one leglock into another on your legs. Sometimes you think you’re just the class training dummy.None of this is your fault; it’s just the way things go. Still, it sure would feel nice to smash some guards, get some dominant positions, and choke out some of these young punks before sending them to bed without dinner!Well, the good news is that this is doable. All you need are the correct techniques and the strategies to link them together…INTRODUCING ‘BJJ FOR OLD F***S, VOL 2 – GUARD PASSINGBJJ for Old F***s, the Passing Game is volume 2 in our series dedicated to giving older grapplers the techniques, strategies, and training methods they need to pass the guard of any opponent and stay effective on the mats.In this instructional you’ll first get the critical concepts for passing the guard as an older guy so that you can smash those younger players while staying safe. Then you’ll get 5 complete strategies for passing the guard, including the setups, followups, and finishes. Four of these strategies work equally well gi and no gi (we did include one that’s a little more gi-oriented). Here’s a complete list of what’s covered in this amazingly detailed instructional…PASSING CONCEPTS FOR OLD F***SThese are the guiding principles that will keep you relevant, safe and effective on the mats in your high-mileage body. A concepts-first approach is so much more powerful than simply memorising a whole bunch of techniques…Passing Standing vs KneelingControlling Your Center of GravityStaying Out of GuardsBasic Sweep RecoveryBase SwitchingPost SwitchingSTACKING PASSESThese stacking sequences are the perfect way to smash and pass those younger, more flexible, more athletic grapplers. This approach allows you to ‘cook’ your opponent so that he’ll practically beg you to pass his guard.The 3 Passing Positions (Tripod, Stack, Cross Body)Putting Them On Their BackBreaking Posture vs Seated GuardPassing from the StackForcing the Leg Drag vs Flexible PlayersTaking the Back When They RollTransition to the Knee-Over PassTransitioning to the TripodTying it All TogetherFYJJ The StackTRIPOD PASSINGTripod passing is the most energy efficient way to pass the guard while preventing your opponent from putting you into any sort of meaningful entanglement. Perfect for grapplers in their 40’s and 50’s, this one volume will totally change the way that you pass the guard.The Tripod PositionToreando Pass From High TripodShin Circle or X Pass From High TripodUnderhook Knee Cut Pass From High TripodDouble Underhooks and Knee Cut Pass From High TripodNear Side Underhook and Far Side Knee Cut From High TripodShin Circle Pass From Low TripodChanging Directions From Low TripodTransitioning to The WallThe Wall to Step Out PassWall to 3/4 Mount or the BackTying it All TogetherFYJJ The TripodCROSS BODY GRIP PASSINGCross body grip passing gives you maximum control while exposing you to minimum risk. This passing system basically allows you to walk around your opponent’s guard while preventing him from sweeping or submitting you.The Cross Body Grip PositionBreaking Posture to Establish a ThreatWinning the GripsPassing to the Collar SidePassing to the Pants SideAlternating DirectionsTiming the DLR PullTransitioning to the Tripod if the DLR Pull SucceedsWhy We’re Not Including the LongstepTying it All TogetherFYJJ The Cross Body GripFORCING AND PASSING HALF GUARDForcing your way into the half guard and then passing from there is one of those old-school techniques that works even better today. The key is having an answer to each problem that your opponent puts in your way so you can systematically dismantle their defenses on your way to your dominant position.Passing From the KneesForcing Half GuardTransitioning to the Tripod vs Knee ShieldWindshield Wiper to Knee Over Pass vs Knee ShieldDefeating Upper Body Frames to Win Underhook or CrossfacePassing From UnderhookPassing From CrossfaceBODYLOCK PASSINGNot only is bodylock passing one of the most effective ways an older grappler can pass the guard it’s also one of the best ways to shut down the modern leglock game. In this section you’ll get a succinct strategy for destroying and passing your opponent’s guard.Bodylock Pass vs Butterfly OverviewGrip SchemingBeating the LegsCompleting the PassMounting the Legs vs Hip EscapePutting it All TogetherFYJJ Passing from the KneesHow to Train with Rob