The pear guava (also known as pear guava or Creole guava) is a variety of guava that is characterized by its shape and size, similar to a pear, and by its soft and sweet flavor. It is highly appreciated in Latin America and other tropical regions for its delicious taste and nutritional properties.

Characteristics of the fruit:

• Size and shape: The pear guava has an oval or pear shape, with a size that varies between small and medium. Its skin is thin, usually light green, which turns yellow when the fruit ripens.

• Color: The pulp is white or slightly pink, depending on the maturity of the fruit. As it matures, the pulp becomes juicier and sweeter in flavor.

• Flavor: The flavor of the pear guava is sweet and soft, with a touch of acidity. Compared to other guava varieties, this one has a less fibrous texture and a less strong flavor.

• Texture: The pulp is fleshy, juicy and smooth, with few large seeds, which makes it easier to eat. Its texture makes it an ideal ingredient for juices, jams, and desserts.

• Shell: The peel is thin, edible and not as thick as that of other guava varieties.

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