The common name for the orchid Pleurothallis truncata is the truncated pleurothallisPleurothallis truncata is a species of orchid in the genus Pleurothallis, which is commonly known as the bonnet orchid. The genus name comes from the Greek word pleurothallis, which means "riblike branches". 
Pleurothallis truncata is found in Ecuador, growing at altitudes of 1700 to 3000 meters. It is an epiphytic and sometimes lithophytic species that blooms in the winter and spring.
This is quite an unusual orchid for many reasons: rare! Grows well in cool weather. (Tolerates outside like a cybidium, here in the Bay Area of California we leave it outside all year long in a rather shaded part of the yard.) They will thrive under these conditions. They are easy to grow if given the right conditions and cool temps.  (They can take a light frost down to about 30F. They can take hotter temps too if kept shaded and moist. This is the only orchid that grows flowers right on top of the leaves. Beautiful bright orange flowers every spring for weeks. Long-lasting blooms. Then, it is followed by new canes that shoot up with new bright green, shiny leaves. Stunning! I am not sure why this orchid is not more well-known.

Described: J. Lindley, 1836
Origin: Ecuador.
Temperature: 12°-19°C
Water: Once a week water. Mist daily. Requires a moist environment.
Humidity: 80-100%
Placement: Full shade position + good ventilation
Presentation: Flowering size plant in 6 cm pot.
Morphology: An adorable little species with bright orange flowers laying like a chain of pearls in its mid-leaf.
Flowering season: February to June
Flowering time: 20-30 days 
a gorgeous member of this genus, clumping growth habit with wiry 6" stems supporting a single leathery elongated spade-like 3" leaf, multiple spikes emerge from the sheath at the leaf base, these 3" to 4" spikes usually lie on top of the leaf and produce a cascade of blooms over its edge, each chain of many globular 1/8" flowers is brilliant orange, resembles a beautiful string of bright orange BB's, winter/spring bloomer.       

Plant size: 5"-7" (You will receive a well-rooted plant like one of the non-blooming ones in the pics-may not blooming but old enough to bloom. It is a good sized 2-3-year-old specimen ready for a nice terra cotta pot in your favorite growing medium (we suggest med bark or rocks or a combination of each). This will surely become one of your favorite orchids as it surely is ours! (The last 2 pics are of are actual plant you will receive-it will be in soil and well rooted in a plastic pot)
Flower size: 1/8" (0.33 cm)
Color(s): orange
Bloom: Blooming size
Bloom Season: Spring 
Temperature: Cool (40ºf-70ºF)

Light Level: Low + Shade
Water: Keep moist all the time
Fertilizer: Little every 2 weeks

Air circulation: Medium