King Bael, the foremost demon in Ars Goetia. Originally, one of the Seven Kings of Hell, he bestows fertility, virility, and wisdom. He carries ashes and aids those who also want to know necromancy or speaking with the dead.
NOTE: this evocation takes up 3 full nights to complete upon which, on the 4th day, Bael's sigil, drawn on parchment paper, and charged during the 3-day evocation will be mailed to the lucky buyer.
SPECIAL PRICE.For now, all 72 Goetia Demons are available for purchase with the same terms. I will be listing all 72, however, if you need a demon asap, please say so in the notes and I will prepare. Pricing is same for all 72. However, once I list all 72, some of the demon evocations will cost more.