Welcome Trainers To The Smogon Builds Of Pokemon

Compatible With :

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Pokemon Sword & Shield
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
Pokemon Legends Arceus

This bundle (960 Pokemon) only for 7.99$

Everything You Buy Will Be 100% Legal You Can Use Them online offline no problem whatsoever

What Dose Smogon Means?

Battle Ready Level 100 Best IVs Best EVs Great Natures And Best Move-sets

Shiny+ Non Shiny 1920 Pokemon:

you will receive both bundles shiny and another set of none shiny total of 1920 Pokemon

you need 64 empty boxes

Shiny Bundle 960:

You will receive All Gen Pokemon 1-7 as a Living Dex 99% Shiny Organized WITH SMOGON BUILD for THE LAST EVOLUTION TO ALL POKEMON

Custom Trainer Name (OT) :

Send me the trainer name you want me to change (A few pokemons cant change their OT because they will be Event pokemons )

Custom Trainer ID (TID) :

Send me the trainer ID you want me to change (A few pokemons cant change their TID because they will be Event pokemons )

You will receive most different forms as well :

Arceus All 18( you need the held items to change forms) / Hoopa Forms / Ash Greninja Deoxys Forms / Alola Forms / Unown Forms / Minior Forms (only one shiny because they look the same) / Lycanroc Forms / Vivillon Forms / Flabebe Floette Florges Genesect All 5 ( you need the held items to change forms) / Tornadus Thundurus Landorus Keldeo Forms / Deerling Sawsbuck Rotom Forms / Hippopotas (Male & Female) / Unfezant (Male & Female) THE LIST GOES ON AND ON 

What do you need to get all of this?

1- Pokemon Home Premium (Paid Version)

2- 32 Or 64 Empty Boxes In Pokemon Home

Are you looking for something else? I have starters, customs, legendaries, Dittos, and lots more available!
Message me if you want anything not listed!

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any official company (Nintendo, Game Freak, The Pokemon Company)